who's laughing now

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I walk over to her and give her a big hug, that she returns. She has bandages on both of her arms and I'm sure that her legs and stomach have bandages too. I feel tears on my shoulder and only then do I pull out of the hug. I stare deeply into her eyes and wipe the tears that have fallen. Even though she has no make up on and she is pale as can be, She is still so beautiful.

"Im so sorry." Demi chokes on her words and a sob come out of her. I pull her in to me and she bury her head in my neck as she cries. "Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry." Apology after apology comes out of her mouth. I simpily hold her and let her cry freely into me. I dont know what to say to her. I truly dont. For some reason she felt like she needed to leave the earth. Leave her life behind. Leave me. I hear a knock and see the same doctor that I ran into earlier standing at the door.

"Selena, I need to speak with you outside please." He says. I nod and pull away from Demi. She lays back and covers her face with her hands as she cries. I follow the doctor into the hall and lean against the wall once the door to Demi's room is shut.

"So Doc, What do you need to speak with me about?" I ask.

"We had to give Demi stiches in both of her arms, both of her legs, and her stomach. There are quite a few stiches and in a month or two she will need to come back to get them removed and for a check up on how she's doing. Also, We had to give her a blood transfution because she lost so much blood, But that will not affect any thing." He explains.

"Okay, Is that it?" I ask.

"No, Also..." He sighs. "Selena, This isnt the first time that she has cut herself. There were many scars on both of her arms, Some old, some new."

-Demi's POV-

I sob even harder when Selena walks out the door. She knows now. I promised myself that I wouldnt let anyone figure it out. They will try to take it away from me, Keep an eye on me, Make sure I dont do it. But, They dont understand. I need this. I need it so much, I dont think I can life without it. I tense in fear as I hear the door open and close. I hear her footsteps coming closer until I know she's standing at end of the bed. I dont look up, And I deffiantly dont look at her.

"How long?" Is the only thing she says. It sounds strangled, Like she had to force that question out. She probably did, Because she's probably afriad to hear the answer. I dont answer her though. I stay quiet. I stay as quiet as I can because she doesnt really want to know. "Demi. How long?" She asks again, and I know now that she wont stop until she gets an answer.

"2 Months." I croak out.

"Why?" She asks.

"I dont know." I cry.

"Demi, Look at me." She says. I shake my head fast. "Look at me." She demands, and this time I do. "You cant do this anymore. You have to promise me never again."

"Never again. I promise." She sighs and sits at the end of the bed. "But Selena?"


"I didnt try to kill myself. I was cutting and I got carried away. Didnt really think about what I was doing." I say. "Im sorry."

"It's okay. But, Never again right?"

"Never again." I repeat.

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