who's laughing now

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So. I havent spoken to Selena in 2 days. She tried to talk to me the first day, then she gave up and said I was being immature. And I am. I know that, But I cant talk to her about this. If I apoligize and we start talking about it then, She's gonna start asking questions again..............................Oh this is ridiculous! I'm talking to her.

I sigh and get off of the couch...Yea...The original plan was for me to sleep in Selena's room but since I was ignoring her, Im on the couch. I walk up the stairs and knock on her bedroom door, I here a soft 'Come in' and I enter her room. She's sitting at her desk with her back facing me. I softly close the door and walk torwards her. I reach forwards to tap her shoulder when...

"If you want to keep that finger I suggest you dont touch me." She says calmly. Okay...This might be harder than I originally thought. I slowly move my hand back to my side.

"Look Selena. Im really sorry. I've been immature and I understand if your mad but could you please find it deep enough in your heart to forgive me?" I ask. She sighs and turns her chair around.

"You were being immature but I also shouldnt of kept pushing you and pushing you when you already gave me an answer. If there's anything to tell me, I know you will when the times right." She says. The time will never be right, I think to myself.

"So do you forgive me?" I ask.

"Yea." She says with a smile. She stands up and I hug her tight. "Come on, It's late' Lets go to bed." She says. She gets under her blankets before patting the stop next to her. I lay down beside her and she pulls the blankets over us.

"Night Selena." I say turning to get comfortable.

"Goodnight Demi." I hear her whisper. After that I slowly go to sleep.

I wake up hearing a alarm, a thump, and a groan. I open my eyes and sit up. I burst out laughing when I see Selena on the floor rubbing her butt.

"What happened?" I ask trying to contain laughing.

"I tried to turn the alarm off and when I reached out I reached too far out and fell on my butt." She says blushing. I laugh louder and she glares at me. "Yea, Keep laughing. You will end up right back on the couch." She says. I immediatly stopped laughing. "That's what I thought." She says getting up. "You can borrow some clothes for school today. I need to take your by your apartment to get your clothes today." She says and I nod. She looks through her closet and grabs a short sleve shurt and hands it up. "Is this okay?" She asks. I almost nod but then remember my cuts.

"Do you have a long sleeved shirt?" I ask. She looks at me weirdly.

"It's hot outside though." She says.

"I know." I say simpily hoping she drops the subject.

"Okay." She says draging the word out longer than needed. She holds up a black shirt up with long sleeves and I nod at her. She throws it at me before getting a pair of jeans and throwing them at me too. "Umm, do you need underwear? I would offer you a bra but your boobs are bigger than mine." She says blushing. I nod and she throws a pair of black lace panties at me and I thank her before walking into her en-suite and changing.

After I change, brush my hair, straighten it, and do my makeup we leave for school. I bite my lip as we get closer to the building, scared of what will happen when we get in there.

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