who's laughing now

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-Demi's POV-

When I wake up my head starts pounding immediatly. I groan and cover my face with the blankets over me. I hear foot steps and I look up to see Selena standing over me.

"Get up Demi. I have asprin here for you, I know you probably have a hangover considering you were drunk off of your ass last night." Selena says obviously pissed off. I very slowly sit up and take the glass of water and medicine from her.

"Thanks." I say. She nodds and sits next to me on the bed. We sit in awkward silence for the longest time, neither of us knowing what to say. Suddenly Selena jumps up and throws her hands in the air.

"What were your thinking?" She yells. "Obviously you werent right? Where did you go? You said you were going to work! I was up untill all hours of the morning worried sick because I thought you were dead! Do you understand how scared I was? Then you show up here smelling of beer, weed, and sex! Who'd you have sex with Demi? Some random person you met? I deserve answers, What is going on with you?"

"It's none of your buisness." I tell her. The fury in her eyes grows even more at my words. I stand up and start to walk out of the room.

"Get back here." Selena yells grabbing my arm and roughly pulling me around to face her. When I try to pull away from her again I see her hand turn into a fist.

"What are you going to do Selena? Hit me? Is that what you were planning? Because i'd really like to see you do it." I say my face inches from hers.

"I want you out of my house. You cant just keep doing whatever you want and not giving me an explination. Get your shit, and get out." She says before letting go of me and going in the bathroom. I sigh and go grab a duffel bag out of the closet. I put all of my things in the duffel before setting the house key on Selena's bed side table. I walk out the front door and glance up at the house one last time. I see Selena looking out the window but she quickly closes the curtain when she see's me looking at her. I sigh and grab my phone scrolling through my contacts before selecting the one I was looking for.

"Hello?" The voice asks.

"Hey, It's Demi." I say.

"Oh hey, What do ya need?" She asks me.

"I really dont want to ask this but, I need a place to stay." I tell her.

"You can come stay with me, I dont mind. In fact, It sounds like fun." She says.

"Okay, Thanks Mikayla." I say. "Not many people would of let someone that they've only known for a day stay with them."

"It's no problem." She ensures me.

"I'll see you soon." I tell her before hanging up.

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