Late 4th of July

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Sorry it's late. I'm always late for holidays, especially when it comes to art. (I gave my dad his Father's Day gift, which was a painting, on the 4th of July.)

It was all drawn by the time Monday rolled around but I really wanted to color it. I just got done coloring it and I didn't feel like shading it at the time. Maybe later.

I'm getting better at people, but they still suck. Her far hand is upside down (the thumb is facing the wrong way), his feet are too even while hers are shifted slightly, she looks like Kermit the frog (don't mention the open mouth, please) and his neck is weird. And their hands are huge and weird. Ugh. But practice makes perfect.

It looks alright to me, but this is going to be one of those pictures I'll come back to in five years and wonder "why didn't I fix that?"

Art nookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora