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The sketch above is kind of weird and ill proportioned, but I'm glad I did it so I can remember that moment.

The sketch above is kind of weird and ill proportioned, but I'm glad I did it so I can remember that moment

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My dumb hairless cat was sitting on the banister so I drew her real quick. She moved before I could finish though so I just guesstimated the rest.

 She moved before I could finish though so I just guesstimated the rest

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We did power cleans in work out today. So fun.

Here's a girl I doodled

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Here's a girl I doodled. She reminds me of Hermana. She's on her mission in Argentina. (I think.) I get emails from her sometimes and I love them; she's really fun.

) I get emails from her sometimes and I love them; she's really fun

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And here's our camp at trek. It wasn't real trek; we camped at the Same spot. Me, Rita and Elizabeth slept outside.

 Me, Rita and Elizabeth slept outside

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Also at trek. There were a bunch of beehives and Deacons gathered around, but they left before I could finish drawing them.

 There were a bunch of beehives and Deacons gathered around, but they left before I could finish drawing them

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Also at trek. There were so many cacti wit flowers on them. They were SOOOOO pretty. I wanted to sketch the horses, but I didn't have time.

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