Man's lonely friend (got first place!)

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So today we went on an art field trip to the other high school, and we had three hours to make a peice of fantasy art. You could make one of the three categories; imaginary worlds, technology, 3D, and myths and legends.

Last night I was brainstorming for good ideas, and I came across a scary picture of a dog with a gas mask on. After lots of renovating and rough drafts, I came up with this.

I used watercolor in order to get it done quicker. I got it done in time, but I had so much trouble with "water stars"! They can be cool, or they can be terrible.

Since this was a competition, everybody entered a piece in a category. There were two groups, high school (10-12) and middle school. (7-9)

I got first place for the middle school category in imaginary worlds!!! I got an awesome trophy, and it's like, two feet tall!!!


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