
109 10 5

I was tagged by 0FoxWolf to do this like a hundred years ago . . . But to be fair, I was swimming.

Song 1. Hmm . . . I have many a plenty of favorite songs. But I'm currently loving love love love by of monsters and men (I like the lyric video for it) and who we are by imagine dragons.

Sport 2. Swim. Hands down. But I like to play soccer. I'm not very good at it, but it's fun to play. But I love swim.

Band 3. Hmmm . . . I like imagine dragons, fall out boy, Paramore, of monsters and men and twenty one pilots.

Show 4. I'm not really watching a particular show right now, so I don't have much of a favorite or one that stick out. I like the last air bender. And I like dramatic documentaries 😆

Movie 5. I don't know, really. Now that I think if it, my WHOLE FREAKING LIFE has been on pause because of swim. I haven't sat down and watched a movie for a long time. Anyways, I like Disney movies . . .

Color 6. I feel like a deep, navy ish blue is my favorite today. It varies a lot. Usually I like bright reds/orange/pink/salmon colors.

Food 7. Anything with a potato in it. I love potatoes. And I love vegetables. Brussel sprouts and broccoli are my favorite, especially when they're a bit charred and are cooked with pine nuts and onions. I really like eggs too.

Video game 9. No. Just no. Waste of time. I have extremely little time as it is; I don't need manipulated graphics to be shoved into my face during my precious moments of free time. But when I did have time (which was like back in the Jurassic period) I liked to play mine craft and build intricate structures. Now I like to play less modern games when I'm bored, such as playing with sticks or in the dirt.

And there is no way I'm gonna tag 15 people so I'll settle for 5.






If you do not feel like it or you have already done this please don't feel obligated to do it again.

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