Behold, me in all my dorkiness!!!

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See that weirdo smiling like an idiot and giving a thumbs up? That's me. See that random guy in the back wearing a flannel shirt and talking to my team mate in the pool? That's James. From Studio C. At the swim meet.


That's right. He was at the swim meet I went to. He watched people's times and stuff. His wife is a swim coach there. We kind of got to meet him, but he was too busy to take a picture with us. When I first saw him he was behind my mom. I was looking around as I was talking to her and I saw him and I must have freaked out. Mom was like "what?" And I just tapped her shoulder and pointed at him. I think I scared him.

Excuse me and my crazy hair and red face, I had just finished my first event. Maybe my hair scared him.

Anyways. I got a 1:22 on my 100 breast at the meet; a five second drop from my last time, which was awesome. But the slowest person on the top 50 has a 1:16. MY STRUGGLES. I MUST GO TO STATE AND GET TOP 50

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