The way to a swimmer's heart is through a casserole

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This was a Christmas present from my sister 00Warr . This has a bit of background to it.

I swim. Swimmers swim hard. Swimmers get hungry. Very hungry. People get hurt when swimmers stay hungry. Let's just say swimmers like food. A lot.

I like casserole, especially if it has potatoes. Potatoes are one of my favorite foods.

I like a guy. We'll call him Gary for now. (I'm still not exactly sure how you spell it.)

I had a dream that me and Gary were sitting in class together. (we don't have any classes together, which is sad. 😩 We had so much fun in history last year!) As the teacher was giving a lecture Gary pulled out a casserole and a bag of spoons then he whispers to me: "hey, do you want to share with me?" And I'm not one to pass up a good casserole so I'm like "sure, why not?" And then we eat like the entire casserole.

Me and my family were just chatting in the car about how the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Then I said "the way to a swimmer's heart is through a casserole."

And there you go.

And Gary *cough cough not Gary cough cough* has longer hair now and glasses. But oh well. Warr has seen him like twice; once in the year book and once at church.

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