Chapter 29

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"Then you put the number here and you'll get X." "How bout Y?" "Y is already given here."

Since Ruka should be homeschool Karl Heinz thought it would be better if Reiji taught her. They were now studying the subject most people hate.... math. "I see... if I multiply it with the number here it would turn negative..." Ruka mumbled to herself as she scaned her problem. "That's right. Now you just need to transfer X to finish it," Reiji stated as he pointed to the paper.

After hours of studying Ruka was now allowed to have a break. "After resting we'll study the laws of physics next," Reiji said before he disappeared in thin air.

Ruka went in the living room and sat on the couch. She didn't really had much to do so she just sat there staring at the window. After a while she fell asleep.

"Ruka," Reiji called out searching for Ruka. He stopped his tracks when he saw the beautiful maiden sleeping peacefully. A strand of her hair was on her face so Reiji moved it to her ear. "How troublesome," Reiji sighed before putting a blanket over Ruka.

The mansion was quiet. It was peaceful at the moment.... but suddenly the windows in the living room blasted. Ruka immediatly woke up but before she could even scream a hand covered her mouth. She was then carried by an unknown man. "Ruka!" Shu shouted from afar. The unknown man heard it so he moved faster while his companions stayed. One by one the brothers rushed in. A blonde boy winked at the brothers and said, "We'll be taking M neko chan ne~" with that all of them escaped while the brothers tried to chase them. They were too late. Their princess was now gone.

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