Chapter 18

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The young girl slept peacefully on the bed while a certain someone was watching her. Her eyes fluttered open and was greeted by a familiar face.

"Good morning..." he whispered. "Kanato..." Ruka tried to sit up but pain prevented her to do so. Kanato helped her sit up and she thanked him. Ruka stared at Teddy and felt sad. "What's wrong Ruka?" Kanato asked with concern. "Elizabeth.... she burned in the fire...." Kanato felt guilty and angry with himself for letting this happen to Ruka.

Kanato stood up and went to the fire place. Ruka's eyes followed him and then he suddenly threw Teddy in. "Kanato wh-" Ruka was cut off by Kanato yelling, "Teddy will only remind you of Elizabeth! I don't want you to hurt any further!" Kanato then gave Ruka a big embrace and let her cry.

She missed Elizabeth... Elizabeth was the only friend she had while she was in the lab. It was Elizabeth who kept her sane in that merciless laboratory.

After crying Ruka fell asleep and Kanato left her to rest.

"How is she?" A man with a fedora asked Kanato. "She's hurt... physically and emotionally..." Kanato replied with a hint of sadness. "Where is your Teddy?" Laito asked. "Im ready to sacrifice anything in order to keep Ruka happy." Kanato gave his reply and left leaving Laito in shock. He was shock at Kanato's reply. Kanato wouldn't even let go of Teddy and now he got rid of it just for Ruka... 'I need to do something too' Laito thought before disappearing in the hallway.

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