Chapter 12

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"So is our little koneko-chan well now~" Laito said in a flirtacious voice. Subaru punched him and the others secretly held their laughs. "Im fine..." Ruka replied as she held Elizabeth closer. "Now.. can you explain me what happened earlier?" Reiji asked. Ruka was about to speak but Yui spoke for her. "Ruka is still tired so I think she should still rest. I will be the one to explain" Yui said collecting all of her courage. Reiji raised his brow but then agreed.

After Yui explained Ruka's situation all the brothers felt bad. Reiji then decided to make a potion to help Ruka. Reiji found it hard because the drugs that were use were foreign to him. Kanato wanted to help also so he decided to invite Ruka to a tea party to cheer her up.

"Ruka-chan.. would you like to have tea with me and teddy..?" Kanato said looking at Ruka. Ruka looked down at Elizabeth and nodded. "But.. do I get to bring Elizabeth...?" Kanato nodded at her question.

They sat down and Kanato prepared the tea while Ruka sliced the cake and placed it on their plates. Ruka ate a peice and her eyes suddenly sparkled which made Kanato blush. "L-like it?" Kanato stuttered. Ruka looked at him and smiled. "Yes" Kanato's eyes widen and realized how beautiful Ruka was. They continued eating while Kanato felt his heart beating so fast while with Ruka.

After they finished Ruka thanked Kanato and left saying she wanted to go somewhere. "Nee... Teddy... why is my heart beating like this...?"

As Ruka was walking she noticed Shu sleeping on the sofa. She looked at him then laid beside him. Shu woke up and was suprise to see Ruka. "What are you doing?" He said slightly irratated. "I just want to know if its that comfortable.... for you to sleep on it everyday...." Ruka replied slightly dozing off. Shu was about to reply but saw Ruka was already sleeping. He carried her to his room knowing Yui was in their room. He laid Ruka on his bed and laid beside her. Shu looked at Ruka's eyepatch debating over if to remove it or not. He was also curious why she covered her eye so he removed it. Ruka flickered her eyes open and there revealed a blood red eye.

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