Chapter 15

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"Glad to have you back laboratory test number 167," the man said smirking. The girl strapped on the chair scowled and said, "my name is Ruka." The man frowned and grabbed Ruka's chin and stared right in her eyes. "You are a test subject and nothing more so stop dreaming that you can be someone." The man pushed her chin to the side and exited the room.

'I can't believe Im back here...' Ruka thought. She remembered the brothers and Yui. She missed them and wanted to see them again but... those are just impossible wishes now. She is now forever trapped in this lab. She was sadden at the thought....

"Let's begin the test," The man said. Electric shocks soon traveled Ruka's body. Pain was felt and tears were shed. The doctors stopped the electric shock and Ruka panted. Since she is half vampire it wasn't that easy to kill her. The doctors wrote down notes and finally unstrapped Ruka. She was sent to her room or as she would call 'hamster cage.'

It was months of pain and agony for Ruka. The doctors gave more attention unlike before because Ruka finally shows emotions. It was a first for them to see Ruka in pain. She usually remains emotionless when being tested so the doctors were hype now. How badly Ruka wish to be together with Yui and the brothers right now.

The doctors are now planning to eliminate Ruka's vampire side but they think it would be impossible because Ruka is completely bonded with the vampire blood. If they could not eliminate Ruka's vampire side then they plan to eliminate Ruka herself. They think Ruka is a danger to both the human and vampire world.

Ruka sat on her oddly cold bed just like before. She remembered how Karl Heinz saved her before and gave her a nice life even if it was for just a few months.she held her knees and a small tear traveled across her cheek. She missed them....

'I made up my mind' Ruka thought to herself. 'Im going to escape this death hole!' Ruka walked to her door unaware her left eye was glowing bloody red. Her vampire side was now being activated. As she walked through the halls she eliminated anyone who gets in her way. The only thing in her mind now was to see Yui and the others. Men cornered her and she was stuck in her place. She furrowed her eyebrows and let out a very earpiercing scream. Suddenly her surrounding were swallowed by fire. "Burn....."

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