Chapter 14

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Ayato's POV

It's been months since Ruka left... We called father after what happened and he all punished us by taking Yui away.

We all felt guilty when father explained the eye of Ruka....


"Before you punish us.... We care to know about Ruka," Reiji spoke bravely. Karl Heinz furrowed his eyebrows then held his hand together. He close his eyes for a bit and spoke, "Ruka.... she is a very rare vampire.... she is half vampire and half human." All the brothers listened carefully. "When humans found out about this they murdered her mother and put her in a laboratory. They experimented on her like a mouse. Her father commited suicide but before he could.... he told me to save her daughter and don't let anything harm her.... her father is.... Herald" Karl Heinz explained. "Herald was my very close friend so when he said this I didn't hesitate to do it. After years of searching... I finally found her.... but you idiots are the reason she is gone again!" Karl Heinz bursted. "I tried to hide her eye because she will be hunted by people! This is all your fault!" The brothers felt guilty and finally understood Ruka... but it was too late

****end of flashback****

If we only tried to understand her this wouldn't have happened...

As I walk around the mansion I notice how dead it was. Without Ruka this mansion is.... dead. Reiji usually just stays in his room and stares at the window. Laito walks around the mansion but you can feel that his livelyness has disappeared. Shu locked himself up inside the music room and I haven't seen him since then. Kanato has tea parties with himself and pretends Ruka is there. Subaru spends all his time in the rose garden and refuses to talk to any of us.

I look up the sky and just think of where I could find her. Im such an idiot for treating her badly. I judged her before she could even explain.... Im such an idiot... I wish we can find her soon.... so I could tell her.... That I love her.

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