Chapter 4

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"Ruka, starting today you will go to school," Reiji spoke rather coldly. "School...?" Ruka asked softly. Reiji nodded and pointed on what appears to be a school uniform. "This is what you will wear to school." Ruka stared at the uniform and nodded. "Well that is all. I shall take my leave," and with that Reiji disappeared.

Ruka tried putting on the uniform. Since this was new to her she didn't know how to put it on her properly.

"Ruka are you re-" Yui stopped when she saw Ruka not yet fully dressed. "S-sorry R-Ruka!" She cried. "Ano... How do you put this on..?" Ruka asked while holding the blouse of her uniform. Yui suddenly notice the Ruka was wearing her skirt on her head. "That's not how you wear it Ruka," Yui said as she took off the skirt over Ruka's head. "Here I'll dress you"

"And done!" Yui exclaimed as she examined Ruka. Ruka kept pulling down her skirt and that made Yui curious. "What's wrong Ruka?" The young lady asked. "This thing.... It's too short.... I'll feel cold..." She replied. "Umm.. Well... You can wear your thigh high socks for now," Yui suggested. Ruka nodded and started putting on her socks.

They all sat in the limo with silence. Kanato started playing with Teddy as Ayato played with Yui asking for her blood. Ruka just sat in silence while Elizabeth sat on her lap.

Once they all got out (Ruka being last) fangirls started whispering about Ruka. "Who does she think she is?" "With that eyepatch she really looks creepy" "maybe they just let her in because she was thrown out" "she's just a popular wannabee!" All the brother heard this but ignored it while for unknown reason Subaru glared at the fangirls. "Tsk!" He said.

Reiji already gave Ruka's schedule and most of them were with Subaru. Ruka wandered around the halls finding her classroom. Once she finally found it she entered. "Ahh! Finally you're here!" The teacher exclaimed. "Class, this is our new student. May I ask what your name is my dear?" The teacher asked. Ruka held Elizabeth close to her face and whispered, "Ruka...." Boys went wild because they thought it was cute while most of the girls rolled their eyes. "How bout your family name? What's your family name my dear?" The teacher continued to ask. Ruka remained silent as everyone waited for her response. After a few seconds of silence Subaru spoke up, "Sakamaki. She's Ruka Sakamaki." The teacher nodded and instructed Ruka to sit. She sat next to Subaru and silently said, "arigatou..." Subaru felt something tingle in his chest but chose to ignore it.

School went by in a flash and now they were heading home. Ruka was sitting in the middle of Laito and Ayato. Laito took a sniff at Ruka and said, "nee~ you smell nice koneko-chan~~" Subaru did a 'tsk'. While Ayato and Shu glared at Laito. Laito suddenly touched Ruka's thighs but was swatted by Ayato. "Don't touch what belongs to ore-sama!" The redhead demanded. Suddenly Laito smirked. "Hmmm~? At first you didn't want anything to do with her and now she belongs to you?" Laito asked. Ayato just glared and said, "Well I changed my mind!"

I'll be posting Ruka's character profile at the next chapter so please stay in tune!

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