Chapter 13

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Ruka immediatly realized that she didn't have her eyepatch on. "You're..." Shu was speechless. Ruka ran out the room and bumped into Ayato. "Hey watch where yo-" Ayato stopped as soon as he saw Ruka's eye. Ruka ran away tears forming in her eyes.

She then stopped feeling dizzy. She felt this urge to drink something. She was thirsty. Thirsty for blood. All her vampire senses came back again and this time stronger considering she hasn't drunk blood for months. The brothers tried to catch her but she was too fast. Once she saw Yui she attacked her. When she was about to bite her she saw Yui's scared face. Ruka felt bad and let Yui go. Ruka cried thinking her only friend is now scared of her.

The brothers stared at her and felt bad. Subaru went close to her and said, "tsk I can't believe Im doing this." Subaru knelt down to Ruka's level and placed her head infront of his neck. "Drink" he said. The brothers including Yui was suprised at Subaru's action. Ruka gently bit on Subaru and Subaru didn't find it hurtful but rather comforting. Ruka stopped as soon as she felt relieved. "Sorry..." Ruka bowed her head.

"You know you'll have to explain this," Reiji commanded in a very angry voice. "I... don't know..." Ruka replied in a soft voice. "Bullshit! How could you lie about something like this!?" Ayato bursted. "You should've told us the truth..." Kanato said looking dissapointed. Laito frowned at Ruka and Shu was still shock at what happened. "Im sorry..." "You need to stay in another room away from Yui from now on." Reiji commanded. Ruka felt slightly hurt knowing she'll be sepparated from her only friend.

After a few days Ruka hasn't been going to school and nobody in the mansion would talk to her because they think she is a liar. The only person who would talk to her was Subaru. He comes from time to time to feed her blood. Ruka says she doesn't need it but Subaru still insists. Ruka always cry at night thinking maybe she desereves it.

Subaru entered Ruka's room but this time to feed her with food. He saw how broken Ruka now was and the brothers just pretends she doesn't exist. "Ruka... why don't you just tell them the truth?" Subaru said feeling bad for her. "If I did.... I would... but its been like this ever since I was a baby... so I have no memory of it..." Ruka replied. Subaru wanted to ask more but he felt that Ruka was tired so he left.

The next day Subaru went to Ruka's room again but only to find it empty. "Ruka?" He called out. He saw a letter lying on Ruka's bed. Once he read it he dashed out of the room searching every inch of the mansion. Ayato then stopped him and asked, "what's wrong?" "Ruka left the mansion!" Subaru shouted which attracted the brothers. "Ruka-chan left...? Thats good.. we don't need liars here..." everyone else agreed with Kanato. Subaru got fired up and shouted, "But the thing is she isn't a liar!" He threw the paper to Reiji and ran out the door. Reiji picked up the paper and read it silently. His eyes widen and ran out the door following Subaru leaving the paper behind. The other brothers read it:

Dear Subaru,
I know you're the only one who is going to read this because you are the only one who visits me. By the time you're reading this Im probably gone. Seeing that none of you guys want me there I decided to leave. The thing about my eye... I don't really know about it but I remember your father asked me to cover it before going to the mansion. He said something about it scaring people and I didn't want to scare people so I obeyed. I wanted to tell you that just so everything is cleared when I left. Listen.. I really had fun there in the mansion... even if those bad things happened. That was the first time I felt... human and not a lab experiment. Thank you... and Im sorry...


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