2: Avery Hart is Late...

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*Please point out any mistakes you might find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I've missed. :) Point out what you like and what you think needs fixing while reading as well so I get a better understanding where everything is at. I need examples.


Avery Hart is late, like most days, if she bothers to show up at all. She slips into the auditorium classroom, hoping to go unnoticed, but to her dismay the door shuts with an audible thud. What's even more humiliating is when everyone looks up to stare at her.

Damn! She freezes, gripping the door handle and nearly turns back around in embarrassment. Why does this always happen to me? She groans and stares back at her equally bored and sleep deprived classmates when she hears it. A simple clearing of a throat but the sound is enough to send an icy chill down her spine. She attempts a half hearted smile and turns to leave but it's too late.

"Leaving so soon, Ms. Hart?" Professor Wilson's British ascent drips with annoyance. "Please take your seat." He motions her away from the door and she shuffles further into the room out of fear of what he'll say next.

Mia glares at her from the front row, shaking her head in disappoint.

"What?" Avery mouths and Mia motions with her head towards the back of the classroom. Avery's gaze darts to their usual seats and her lip automatically curls in disgust.

Seriously? Mia shrugs when Avery looks back at her in question and wants to ask. What happened to saving seats?

Professor Wilson clears his throat, "Please, Ms. Hart, will you be so kind to take your seat? I think you've already wasted enough of our time." The classroom stirs with uncomfortable laughter as she struggles to make a final decision.

Fight or flight. What are you going to do, Avery? She contemplates the two for what seems to be an eternity before she continues up the stairs in defeat. I'm already here. I might as well stay for the ride.

Professor Wilson shuffles some papers at his podium in irritation before continuing, "As I was informing the class, our test has been pushed back a week. I know you all must be devastated because the look on all off your faces show how little you take this class seriously."

Avery wedges herself behind some of her classmates and slowly makes her way toward one of the only available seats left. She lets her bag slip to the floor then pulls her notebook and textbook out then tries to make herself seem small.

"Loser." Hailey mutters loud enough for Avery to hear. "Did you even shower today?"

"Slut." Avery retorts, smiling when the other girl narrows her eyes and acts like she didn't hear her.

"For those of you whom chosen not to study, I'm pleased to say you'll find it difficult to catch up." He pauses to let it sink in before slamming his hand down on the desk to startle those who aren't paying attention. "So let this be a lesson in what not to do in my classroom here on out. If you want a passing grade you'll have to put in the work. As of now only 25% of you will leave with a passing grade. I expect more!"

Avery has the unnerving feeling like he's aiming his comment at her. But jokes on him. A person can get a lot of things done when they can't sleep. Avery has been well prepared for this test and she can't wait to see his face when she passes with flying colors.

"What we cover this week will be added to the test. Meaning you'll have twice the amount of material to cram for if you were stupid enough to fall behind." The class moans in union and this makes him smile. "I know. What a pity it is having to actually study."

"While we're on the topic of studying," He holds up a stack of papers, "I think the majority of you managed to butcher the English language perfectly and I advise you all to visit the writing lab at your earliest convenience." He chucks the papers into the trashcan by his desk and clicks on the projector. "Moving on."

There's a rush of movement as students put pens to paper. They hurry to keep up with Professor Wilson's lecture on the case of Phineas Gage and the infamous tamping rod while Avery settles back in her seat and yawns.

Words: 715

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