1. How you sleep.

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Every night, he crawls into bed quickly after kicking this boots off and peeling off his shirt, and throws his arms around your waist sloppily. You fall asleep on his chest, listening to the sound of his breathing and beat of his heart. In the morning, you usually find Bellamy with his head burrowed in the crook of your neck and your fingers intertwined.


Finn loves to cuddle. He loves talking about your day while he draws patterns on your arm with his finger. When you both become sleepy, he pulls you close and gains a strong grip on you. Finn's torso is always pressed against your nearly bare back. In the morning, you are tangled in the covers, snoring, while Finn is holding your hand and tangling his legs with yours.


Jasper is always tired by night fall, but you are a night owl. After you say your 'goodnights', Jasper lies down facing you, smiling like always. You spend the next hour or so just staring at your sleeping boyfriend, thinking about how lucky you are to have him. You fall asleep cuddled into his chest, but wake up sprawled across the bed. Jasper is either already awake or sleeping on the tent' s floor.


Both you and Monty love cuddling. You fall asleep, quite quickly after lying down, as the little spoon of you and your boyfriend's cuddling postition. Monty sleeps close to you, breathing on your neck, but you don't mind. You wake up in the morning to a sleeping Monty, but you always stay in his grasp until he wakes.


Murphy hates when nighttime comes, and he claims it's because he can't talk to you. You fall asleep holding him close, to warm him. In the morning, you wake before him, Murphy holding you closely and tightly, as if he was protecting you.

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