CALM - One More For Four

Start from the beginning

Luke makes a wounded noise and Calum rubs his tummy, scowling at Ashton from over Luke's shoulder.

"I think you should leave," he says darkly.

"Don't listen to him, I'm impressed by your dick," says Michael, shoving his hand down the open front of Luke's jeans and leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"I just mean, I've seen you guys naked before. It shouldn't be weird." Although it's not not-weird watching Michael's hand shift around in Luke's pants, watching him draw Luke's dick out in his fist. As hard dicks go, Luke's isn't that traumatising.

Michael starts to stroke him and the noise Luke makes - a kind of soft, stunned little moan - is definitely weird. Ashton definitely feels weird about it, and also kind of annoyed that he's never heard it before. There shouldn't be anything he doesn't know about his boys, especially things they seem to know so well about each other.

"I'm gonna stay," Ashton announces bravely, sitting himself down on the bed with them, scooting back to lean against the headboard. Michael pulls away from Luke and twists around to give him a funny look.

"Really?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not like I have to do any sex stuff," he says awkwardly.

Calum pushes Michael down onto his back, who squirms until his head is pillowed on Ashton's thigh. Ashton's not sure if it's on purpose to push boundaries or if it's just motivated by his general subconscious cuddlebug demeanor.

"You should be so lucky, Irwin," Calum mutters, and kisses Michael. Right there in Ashton's lap.

It's cute; Michael sighs as he tilts his head up eagerly for it, their soft mouths pressing together sweetly. It's just happening so close. Ashton could probably count Calum's eyelashes if he wasn't so distracted by the wet slip of their lips against each other, the red slick flash of Calum's tongue dipping into Michael's mouth. Michael moans and Ashton feels it, a dull hum against his thigh where the back of Michael's neck lies.

Ashton's jealous. That's the worst part of finding out about this whole arrangement, even worse than being left out. Ashton loves kissing and it's just plain not fair that three of them have a constant supply of willing kissing partners while Ashton has to go out and try and find a nice girl to swap spit with. And even then it's not as good - it's nice of course, always, with someone new, but sometimes Ashton just wants someone who he already knows and knows him, someone whose body fits his own with practiced familiarity, who he knows exactly how to touch and how hard to kiss. Someone comfy. That's what it looks like between Michael and Calum; comfortable.

While it's nothing out of the ordinary for Calum to be naked, it is however, for Michael's hand to be slipping down his tummy and curling around his half-hard dick. Calum makes a noise and kisses Michael a little harder, pressing him more heavily into Ashton's lap, his fingers curling on Michael's jaw, against Ashton's thigh.

It's just like being touched, if he's honest, and Ashton wonders where the big gay line is. Increasingly, it feels like there just isn't one.

Luke's undoing Michael's pants, settled down the line of Michael's body between his legs, blue eyes glancing up sheepishly at Ashton occasionally as he tugs Michael's zip down. His mouth is pink and licked wet and right there above Michael's dick, bared after Luke works Michael's jeans and pants down his thighs. A dick from this angle isn't that unfamiliar, but Ashton can't deny it's definitely different from looking at his own.

He feels a little guilty about the way he notes that none of them are as big as he is hard, as well as the weird sense of satisfaction the knowledge gives him. It's so caveman but probably cavemen didn't engage in group sex with each other. Or maybe they did. Is caveman likeness something that should be aspired to, really?

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