(XXIX.) - Part One

Start from the beginning

When she entered her room, her brain pondered on something. She paused in opening her closet as it hit her suddenly. Before leaving, he'd said "goodnight", not "goodbye". That could only mean one thing - Allen Storm was coming back.


Since the bantitsus didn't have any use of Eric again, they sent his body out to the forest. Quranda began cooking up a revenge plan for Connor after she saw Delilah's state following her return from his office. She worked on that along with finding a caroyle for the completion of the ritual. For that, she had to contact strong sorcerers from around the world who'd be willing to help.

Connor and Logan found Eric's body and brought him to the Ashers' residence. That was the first time Logan had ever seen or set foot in their apartment.

"Nice place," he commented after they'd lain Eric on his king-size bed.

Connor ignored him and went to the basement. He returned with a porcelain gourd.

"What's that?"

"Healing potion." He opened the container and poured a little of its content into a glass cup sitting on the nightstand.

After they'd forced the bluish green liquid down Eric's throat, they went downstairs. Connor led the younger man to the underground den.

"I didn't ask on the way," Logan spoke up, "but I want to know now. Why did Quranda want Eric?"

"For a ritual I don't know of."

The eighteen-year-old sat on a cushion and stretched out his long legs. "Eric went willingly?"

"In a way. He was... persuaded." Connor surveyed their surroundings before walking to a shelf. He took out a bottle and two narrow glasses. "Whisky?"

"Yes. Thanks." He took one of the glasses and let Connor pour drink into it. "Did you get an invitation card from Stefan?"


"You're all coming?"

"Eric has not given his response yet."

Logan realised that though the Ashers doted on Eric as parents doted on their children, they also treated him like an adult.

They sipped whisky together and talked about Einstein High, work and the Night Massacre. After some time, they stopped and waited. The door opened minutes later.

"You have a guest?" Chelsea's voice came from the doorway.

Logan turned to look at the woman. Like the first time, he was stunned. Like the first time, he thought to himself, Eric's such a lucky guy. He wondered how Connor was able to keep away unmated males and horny humans from touching his beautiful wife. However, Chelsea could handle herself. She was a vampire, after all.

"Evening, Chelsea," he greeted her with a smile.

"Why, it's you, Logan. I should've known." She lifted her nose and sniffed before nodding her head. "Sorry, silver's not out of my system yet."

He frowned with concern. "Silver? How?"

She glanced at her husband. "I see Romeo here hasn't told you what happened. It's a long story, by the way." She waved it off. "What brings you here? Something wrong?"

Instead, Connor replied. "Eric is home." His tone was clipped and hard. He didn't like the fact that she wasn't fully giving him her attention.

Chelsea finally looked at him. "Is he now?" She smiled slyly, then refocused on her son's friend. "Would you like dinner, Logan?"

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