Chapter 22- Let's save the Damsel in Distress!

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Aubrey's POV

"Ah shit, my head." I groaned. Emerald shook her head at the sudden wave signal.

"It's Alpha," she said, "did you hear it?"

I shook my head.

"He found the mystery girl!" she squealed, "I can't believe it!"

"Whoa, whoa, back the truck." I said, "Who's the mystery girl? What is going on?"

She simply rolled her eyes, "You," she said, jabbing her finger at my chest, "are retarded."

"Just go on with it!" I groaned. I only said that because I don't like to be called retarded, well simply because it's just retarded you know?

"Well he announced that there's a kidnapped girl in our territory-"

"Oh no!" I gasped.

"Shut up and listen." she hushed me,"An Alpha from America said that his sister got kidnapped and the kidnappers are using her for something."

My world just stopped, right there, the deadpanned on my face drooped so much. My heart beats accelerated and my mouth left a small gap. Could it be? I gulped for a second before darting my eyes to hers. She gave me a worried look.

"Are you okay?" She said.

"What's her name?" I whispered. Here the truth is going to flow right through her mouth...

"What was her name again? Emily? Angel? Um..." She furrowed my eyebrows, thinking. I rolled my eyes at her forgetful. She snapped her finger and grinned, looking at me widely, "Her name is Alice, Alice Fin! Oh wait, you guys got the same surename. Hey, Aubrey, are you okay? You seem fuzzy..."

And I did. Next thing I know, I fell on the floor, my eyes slowly shut itself and I saw Emerald screaming my name over and over again. The truth has come. My twin sister is in danger, my brother is here with me, and if she spilled the secret, my territory will be disbanded in a second.

"Aubrey! Aubrey! Wake up! Oh my god Jack if she doesn't wake up soon I'll..." Someone blabbered worriedly  to someone next to her. 

"It's alright sweetie, it's just a faint, it won't take long!" He said.

"Oh it could take days! I remember my friend fainted for three days..."

I groaned and fluttered my eyelids for a bit, before saying, "Shut up..."

Emerald stopped blabbering and turned to face me, and next thing you know...she attacked me with a hug.

"Oh my darling Aubrey! I missed you so much! You were away for three hours top and I called Jack to come company me while you're away, I was like, so worried! I don't know how I would react if you were away for more than twenty-four hours! Like serious..."

"Shut UP." I laughed. She has the mouth of a Queen bee, well, that's Emerald for ya.

"Alright, alright." She laughed, "I couldn't stop hypervilanting, I was really sick worried. About that, what happened when I said her name, Alice Fin?"

My laughed died slowly and gulped, "She, she...she's my twin sister. I-I can't, I-"

I couldn't help it anymore. Tears fell as I sobbed harder and harder. Emerald was there, giving me her shoulder to cry on. It's nice to have a soul friend when she understood you.

"You want to talk about it?" She whispered. I nodded. I wiped my tears away and leaned back and saw Emerald and Jack looking at me with concern. Jack just sat there on the couch quietly, not interrupting our girfriends business. Emerald is so lucky.

"It began when I was eleven," I started, "she was literally everything, being me, but she's more lively, more popular. She got more boyfriends than I do." I laughed at the memory quietly. It was so clear that I can see it vividly clear, "But she was there for me all the time, like you. I was a loner back then, with only one friend who checked up on me once in a while, then that's it. My sister? She sticked up to me the whole time, no matter what. It's like our bond was so strong.

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