Chapter 8- Enjoy Weekend!

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"It's finally weekend!" Emerald shrieked, hopping off the bed and dancing around the room crazily.

"Hahaha, yeah..." I yawned, turning my head on the other side and sliding my hand under the pillow, "that means more sleep..."

"Oh no you don't!" She said, unexpectedly pulling me up strongly, giving me a heart attack. She loosened her grip on my wrist and I brought them up to my heart.

"Emerald!" I groaned, "I almost had a heart attack, not even almost anyway!"

"You can't stay here, we need to go somewhere! I suggest we go to the most famous beach here. Come on, pack up your things and we'll go straight!"

"How about breakfast?" I tried.

"That, we'll go to the most famous place to eat too!" She said excitedly. Oh boy, I hope it's that exciting.

"Oh fine." I said, smiling. She went inside the wardrobe and threw my swimming bag to my direction without looking. I caught them before it hits my face.

"Put your extra clothes, towel, anything you need to bring, and money of course." She said.

I got up and start working on my clothes. I slowly walked towards the wardrobe and picked out a white camisole, a short, ripped out jeans, a matching white bra and undies to work for the summer time clothing. Then I roamed around my clothes to search for my new bikini that I just bought before I came to Australia. I loomed my right hand inside the wardrobe and found a blue and white bikinis on my hand, but I just realized I don't have one thing.

"Em, I don't have sunscreen." I called out.

"It's alright, I got 'em."

Okay, that's saved. I stripped myself and wore the bikinis, then put on my summer clothes on. I fished out my beach towel and packed them inside the bag. I went to the bathroom and saw Emerald straighten her hair down with the straightener. I never straighten my hair, so it's really curly, like Taylor Swift's old hair.

"Em, do I look good if I straighten my hair?" I blurted out. Woops.

"Probably, here, let me try." She said. I walked to her and I saw her using her straightener's mode to 'hot' in the mirror. Then she straightened my long, curly hair slowly from the top to the very last bit. I can feel my hair is sizzling from the straightener until Emerald said.

"Okay, it's done."

I looked at myself in the mirror, gawping at my new brand hair. It's so me, now I look better than last time. I brought a few strands of hair to my face and it's not curly like it's used to, it's straight.

"Wow," what the first word that came out from my mouth.

"Have you ever straightened your hair before, other than this?" She asked.

"No, never." I whispered. I remember how my mum disliked the makeup I kept and threw them away. I cried for so long, that it's time for me to forget beauty spot and just be normal me. I pursed my lips at that memory.

"Well, now you look even more pretty with that straight hair. I like it." She complimented.

"Thanks." I smiled. Now with my new roommate, I can start using beauty spot with her safely, unlike my mum. I tied my hair in a bun and went outside the bathroom to grab my sunglasses out. I slung my bag on my shoulder and wear my white thongs.

"Ready Em?" I called out. She's still in the bathroom.

"Wait, wait, hold on, let me get it...alright I'm coming." She said. Whatever she's bringing it's gonna be too much. She came out, sunglasses between her teeth, her bag was slunged on her shoulder almost falling off, and she's tying her hair up. I laughed at her action, if only I can get a camera now and snap a picture.

No need for a Mate (Editing)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara