Chapter 16- Mystery

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Aubrey's POV

A week later.

School came back as per normal. The roofs, rooms and other things has fixed the damage. Emerald and I walked to school, arms linked, excited to go to school. The weather has been sunny all weekends, but the ground was still wet and moisturized. Droplets fell on the side street as cool winds slapped our face with glee. It's sure sunny, but you can still tell that it's a very cold day as well.

"So freaking cold!" Emerald squealed, linking our hands tighter.

"I know right!" I gasped, and blew out fogs, "Just look at those fogs I made!"

We laughed and strolled to the corner. Other students wearing school jumpers and scarfs around their necks. A few of them wore gloves and mittens. I wore it as well. We quickly walked towards the school gate and saw a big banner on the gate said, "WELCOME BACK STUDENTS!"


We spun our heads around and saw a boy with black shaggy hair, beaming wildly. Emerald shrieked and ran to him. I had to cover my ears because, please lord, her voice was so freaking loud.


Emerald jumped onto Jack unexpectedly, making him stepped backward. I laughed at the cute couple. They could sometimes be sweet, yet cute. I walked towards them.

"Have you heard of the news?" Jack said.

"What news?" Emerald and I chorused.

"The Alpha and a few of his betas left the city to find this guy's 'missing sister'."

"But who's the guy?" Emerald asked.

"Dunno. I think his name is Justin? Yeah I think that's his name."


It couldn't be.

"Wait, what's his surname?" I asked curiously.

"Dunno," he shrugged, "I only know his name is Justin."

Calm down, I told myself, it's probably someone from other pack. I looked up at them both as they stared at me back.

"You okay Em?" Emerald asked me with worry.

"Yup," I suppressed a smile, "let's go back to school!"


Sam's POV

"Why do you really care about this girl so much? I mean, come on, she's like, my age? Let her free!" I argued.

"Dude, she's not like any other girl. She's special." A deep American voice said. I grunted.

"Is she like your mate or something?"

"Ew! Don't ask me that question again."

"Don't, it might though." I narrowed my eyes.

Justin sighed, "Look, she has this power that can acknowledge for more than one mate. Which is, if she doesn't go back to my pack, she's in trouble."

"How do you know she's here?" I asked him curiously.

"Bond." He whispered. I shook my head and laughed, "Mate, only true mates can hear each other."

"You're smart enough." He frowned, "Fine, it's GPS. I tracked every single pack's members and I found her number from her ex ex's phone. We tracked her down with the help of our IT member and we located her, right here." He said.

Oh, I thought.

"This is weird." I mumbled. He nodded his head.

"It is."

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