Chapter 6- Just like that ✔

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Chapter 6

I stomped towards my next class, clearly still frustrated with the situation. Who does Sam think he was? I gripped on the straps of my backpack hard and I focused on the school floor. I was actually feeling...confused. I knew what I wanted to do with my life, but my stupid heart told me to follow it. Obviously it was very hard for me to conceal my feeling to Sam, because I could sense his presence six metres away from me.

"Will you not stalk?" I said, my voice filled with annoyance.

"It's fun pissing you." He replied, probably with a smirk on his face. I kept on walking forward until I looked up and checked if I was in my next class, Indonesian. I peeked through the doorway and saw that the class was already filled. There was two more spots left on the middle second last section of the room and I sighed.

"You know, it's bad to spy." A voice whispered on my ear. I jumped back in surprise, and glared behind me.

"Who ever said I was spying? This is clearly my class," I retorted, "stop wagging McCarthy."

"For your information, Ms Fin, this is also my class." He replied back with a smirk on his face. I ignored him and walked inside to sit on the available spot. Sam followed me afterwards and sat next to the empty spot on my right.

"Don't bother touching me with your grimly hands." I said as he sat down.

"You haven't even feel my hands yet," Sam said, "well, unless you wanna try."

"Ugh, no thanks. That'll be the last thing I'd let you do right now." 

"There's no reason in denial." He winked at me and I pulled a disgusted face at him.

An Indonesian teacher came in and the class became silent at his arrival, "Hello class!"

"Morning Mr Gary." The class replied.

"Today we will be learning about more basic stuff about the culture of Indonesia." He said, "Of course, there'll be our usual excersice of Q&A session in between languages."

We learned the history of Bali and its culture and I couldn't help but got drawn into it. He did slideshows of the temples and how their main religion is Hinduism. We also watched some videos of Balinese dancers performing on stage and the rituals and arts. I jot down a lot of interesting facts about them, and now I made a mental note about myself that I would be going to Bali on a holiday one day.

I was really busy, until I heard Sam's voice whispered next to me, "You seemed into it."

"Whatever." I replied nastily. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You know, all I did was try and make a friendly conversation with you, and here you are being a bitch. Well thanks for that."

My feelings stung at his words, "Well maybe if you haven't replied me with such texts filled with words that I can't comprehend, then maybe you should think twice about what you are doing to me." I replied bitterly.

He became silent throughout the class and it was finally the Q&A session. Students had to raise their hands in order to ask a question of a sentence they want to translate, and the teacher would reply back in Indonesian. Every question we ask, we had to jot them down or else the teacher would put us up in detention. How would I know? Mr Gary lets us have thirty seconds to jot it all down before the next questions arrive.

I raised my hand up and Mr Gary pointed at me, "Yes Aubrey?"

"What's 'I hate you' in Indo?" I asked. I felt Sam looked at me on the corner of his eyes and I tried my hardest to ignore him.

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