Chapter 16- Mystery (Extra Chapter)

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Aubrey's POV

I slowly stirred through my nightmare and dizziness washed inside me. I moaned softly as my throbbing head kept on stabbing me ten times. I tried to open my eyes, but it's too lazy, so I let it close 'till the time. I heard some girls whispering on the background and my curiosity began to grow. Who are they and what are they doing?

"Stand back girls, I've got this." One nasty voice said. I slowly fluttered my eyes opened and saw two hazel, cold eyes gazing back at my lazy ones. A huge headache stabbed me on my head and I arched back, throwing my hand up to my forehead, groaning. Ever since Sam and Ben has been gone, I've been getting alot of headaches I supposed.

"Still under pressure or should I continue?" She spoke. I peeked through my hand and saw Britney folding her arms under the chest, while tapping her foot on the ground. Cliche type of impatient girl much?

"What?" That came out from my mouth, sounded annoying as ever when she came around.

"Oh I don't know, what do you think I'm here for?" She shots back an annoying voice, which pissed me off the edge.

"I wouldn't ask if I know, Britney." I said calmly, trying to control myself before strangling her neck and shouting, "Just get the fuck out of here and let me sleep in peace!". Anyway, my head doesn't let me think or else another round of pain kills me again.

"Your innocence doesn't say to me dirtbag," she snapped, "I'm talking about Sam! It's you wasn't it?"

I snorted, "What makes you think it's me?"

"Because he's been with you ever since, and it's time for you to own up! Bitch, you owe me!" She spat. I slowly wiped off the spat from my face.

"Don't you spit at me you little scum. You're already ugly for your information, don't make me say you're a smelly one too!" I argued, not liking every single bit of the spits she showered me. Ugh.

"You earned that, sweetheart." She said, "But that's just the beginning. Girls!" Two girls came up to her from behind the door, "Give me that note."

One of the petite brunette fished something out of her shoulderbag and hand her a small note. Britney snatched it off and carefully put it on the table next to the bed I'm laying on. She patted it and gave me a smirk, "Good luck on the note."

She gave me one last glance before exiting the doorway. The last blonde girl slammed the door shut and I got shocked a bit. My hand slowly travelled towards the table next to the bed and took the note. I brought it up to my face and saw a pretty well-decorated note and a fancy writing written neatly, but not all that pretty once you've read the message:

'One day Me and my Boyfriend went out,

For us to grow more closer

But then a girl broke in to us and pout,

And told He I'm a poser.

I said "No no I'm not a poser!"

Now it's my turn to pout,

But he did not come any closer

And the girl and He went out.'

I dropped the note and fainted.

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