Picking Partners

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Your POV
Erza was not gonna be happy about Freed and I being a couple, but I can't help being with someone I like!! Ya can't change someone's life!! Just then, I heard bombs. I grabbed Freed and we ran to my apt.

"What was that about!?!?" He asked.

"Erza is blowing up diners because she doesn't want us to be together. LIGHTNING DRAGON PEN!!"

A pen appeared in my hand. I drew a letter teasing Erza and giggled about Erza's reaction.

Freed's POV
I'm happy that y/n isn't killing me because I'm horrible with girls. Sure, she knows my weakness, but she never used it to her advantage, yet. Probably waiting for the S class trials. She is powerful enough. I decided to let her tell me.

~A day later~

Your POV
My guild mates and I stared at Master Macarov.

"The 8 people that'll be going into the S class trials are...

1) Natsu
2) Gray
3) Juvia
4) Freed [yay!!]
5) Elfman
6) Cana
7) Mest
8) Y/n

Now, these people will need to pick a partner. You must choose wisely!! No picking S class wizards!!" Macarov announced.

I frowned knowing that I'd have to be against Freed. Mest and Wendy, Gray and Loke, Natsu and Happy,  Juvia and Lisanna, Freed and Bixlow, Cana and Lucy. The other teams I didn't know, yet. I walked over to Levy.

"Hey, Levy, wanna team up??" I asked her.

"Sure!!" She agreed cheerfully.


"No problem!!"

The Light In The Dark- A Freed X Reader FanFicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant