Freed is... Dead or Alive??

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3rd Person POV
The whole fairy tail guild gathered around y/n, who was carrying Freed, sobbing. Wendy ran to the front. "Everyone, give Wendy your power. She can't heal Freed on her own," Erza ordered. Suddenly, a bright light came. It was a single teardrop. The very first teardrop that y/n had cried out. It healed Freed, and healed anyone else who was wounded that had the fairy tail mark. There was a big gasp. It came from the Thunder Legion (except for Freed). They shoved their ways to the front.

Laxus's POV
Whoa... I never knew that teardrops had that power... I stared at y/n. She was in lightning healing armor. She gasped.

Your POV
I never requipped into this armor... How did I... I stared at Freed. His eyes were squinting. "HE'S ALIVE!!" I shouted. The guild cheered. I squeezed his hand. He grinned, slightly. I could tell he was still weak. "Y/n, don't stay in your apartment that much..." He whispered and joked. I laughed. "Freed, don't keep yourself from looking for me," I joked back at him. We both laughed. Master Macarov walked to the front of the large crowd. "This calls for a celebration!!" He cheered. I'm starting to get that Master Macarov loves planning parties. We all laughed. "I shall be explaining the rules to this celebration on the jobs board. There shall be no jobs until this night is over!!" He told us. I'm kinda taking this celebration more as a dance... Well, I better ask Erza and Wendy for tips on how to dance then... Hehe.

A/n: Juju- I am sorry that this seems short. My battery's running low, and my parents are yelling at me, "GET OFF YO PHONE, JULIA!!" So. Ya. This is me "... 😐 Huh?? Wut??" XD I don't listen a lot. Welp, this is the end of a happy chapter. My writers block is slowly going away. 325 words??

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