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Your POV
I can't believe the S Class Trials are tomorrow!! Levy and I have trained like crazy!! We studied the map of Tenrou Island, and we decided to take the non-fighting path (Levy told me what the first round is. Somehow, Gajeel knew). We want to save our powers until the next round. Levy had Gajeel tell her everything he knew about the trials because, apparently, Master Macarov told him all the details. Cana's been going on and on about how she's gonna quit the guild. Weird season.

~The day of the trials~

I stared at the boat. Ugh. I hate the sea. I don't mind pools, but the sea gives me the creeps. Just looking at it makes me want to throw up. Just then, a yellow cat flew next to me. She had a lightning bolt on the crown she wore.

"I'm Lita, your exceed. I can't believe you forgot about me!!" She scolded me.

"Sorry, a dark guild wiped my memory. If I had my memory fully, I would've gone looking for you a long time ago."

"It's fine!! Now, you don't just have dragon slayer magic. You're a god slayer. You use magic powerful enough to take down a god. You don't need to use dragon slayer magic, use God slayer magic. Unleash your fury."

"Okay, but first can you please give me a lift because I'm kinda freaked out by the sea."


Lita picked me up and flew me to Tenrou Island. How she knew how to get there, I don't know. All I know is that I have an exceed!!

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