The Fight (Actually, The 2 Fights)

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Your POV
I saw Venus in her apartment. I slipped in a letter for her and ran off. I wasn't exactly sure what I knew anymore. I was walking to my place when Mira stopped me. "Hehe. Freed really makes it obvious... He can't hide a thing. Ever.  Now the guild knows!! I guess my ship sailed," she fangirled. I groaned. "Seriously?? What are you talking about!?!?" I asked her. I got her hand off of me and ran to my apartment. I shut the door and locked it.

Mira's POV
Oh, y/n was uncomfortable about that. It was Freed's fault, but I can't blame him. He gets all stuttery when he talks about y/n. I need to tell Freed. I rushed to his place and knocked.

Freed's POV
Mira was knocking on the door. I opened it. "Y/n's kinda mad at you... She probably doesn't want to go to the guild hall now that everyone knows because you kinda shouted it out loud to everyone. And if people didn't hear that, they definitely saw the look Erza gave you. Erza's attacking you made the attention even worse. Don't go looking for her," Mira told me. I blushed. I looked down. How could I have been so dumb!?!?

~A month later and you haven't been in the guild hall~

Still Freed's POV
Mira walked over to me. "Go and check on y/n. It's been a month since she's been here, and Erza's threatened to blow up the house just to see her," Mira told me. I nodded and walked to y/n's apartment.

Your POV
I was sitting in my bed, crying, when I heard a knock on the door. "Go away!!" I sobbed. "I refuse to," I heard the voice say. It was Freed. Ugh. He was the last person I wanted to see. "I said go away!!" I cried louder. I heard the door open. How?? "Don't break into my place!! Get out!! I said get out!!" My tears made a stain on my shirt. "No," Freed said calmly. I saw him come up the stairs. He walked into my room. He saw me. I hid under the covers of my bed. He removed the covers, but I teleported to my kitchen. "What!?!? Where did you go??" Freed asked. I giggled. Freed walked towards my hiding spot. I teleported to my closet. Freed groaned. He was never going to find me. Just then, Freed grabbed me. I punched him in the face. "Ow," he simply said, "I'm sorry. I am not good with girls or with Mira bugging me. She is so annoying sometimes." I glared at him, and started punching him more. "You *punch* should *punch* get *punch* away *punch* now!!" I yelled. He stepped back. I leaned forwards to punch him, but he put me in an enchantment. "Hey!! Lemme out!!" I screamed. I punched him in the nuts, and he broke the enchantment. I changed into my lightning empress armor, and pointed my sword at his throat. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!" I yelled. I changed back to my regular clothes. "Want to do a quest with me??" Freed asked weakly. I grinned. "Sure, but you try to hit on me and I will hit you!! A lot!!" I warned him. He grabbed a sheet of paper from his pocket. I grabbed it. We had to capture this guy. Easy enough. He grabbed me. I teleported us to the place where the guy was supposed to be. Freed fell to the ground and closed his eyes, whimpering. What was wrong with him?? The guy walked up. Freed had to know something about this guy because the evil dude grinned saying, "Hello, Freed." Freed froze for a second, then rose. I noticed his eyes were a dark red. Suddenly, Freed turned into a demon-thingy. "Freed, attack!!" The guy yelled. He motioned to me. The demon Freed looked at me and started to attack. "LIGHTNING DRAGON IRON FIST!!!!!!!!" I yelled an attack at the guy. I stared at Freed. "Remember, I'm y/n. *blocks punch* Don't you remember me?? I'm the lightning queen or something like that. How can you forget a friend??" I talked to him. The guy grinned, "He's in his demon form. He can't listen to you!!" He cackled. "FREED!! PLEASE!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!! SOMEWHERE!! I LOVE YOU!! PLEASE!!" I yelled with all my feelings and strength. Freed's eyes turned normal. He turned back into his regular form. "Y/n..." He whispered. He blacked out. "No!! Freed!!" I turned to the evil dude. "YOU WILL PAY!! LIGHTNING DRAGON ROAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!!" I yelled. I locked him up, and teleported Freed and I back to fairy tail. I needed Wendy right away. "Freed... Hold on..." I whispered, tears dropping from my eyes.

A/n: Juju's here!! Pretty obvious since I made Freed get hurt. Lily told ya guys I had writers block!! I tried meh hardest for this chapter!! I'm exhausted now. Will Freed~Senpai live or die?? Find out in the next chapter!' 846 words!!

The Light In The Dark- A Freed X Reader FanFicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن