E or L, I pick... F!! And the fight. (A bonus)

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Your POV
I don't know who to pick. I made a chart of pros and cons for each team. Here's the lists...

Pros for Erza's team

-loads of protection

Cons For Erza's Team

-Grey vs. Natsu
-Natsu's motion sickness

Pros For Levy's Team

-Some protection...

Cons For Levy's Team

-Boys showing off
-no family
-no healing

I don't know which one!! Well, Natsu's motion sickness is WAY too gross. But, I wouldn't have much protection as I would on Levy's team. Hmm... I choose.......

Freed!! I'll ask Freed if I could help the Thunder Legion with fighting. I'm pretty strong, but I can't help it. I'm gonna need some help, anyways. I would've picked Mira, but she doesn't have a team. Boo hoo!! I'm just going to have to stand the teasing. I'll just hang out with Evergreen, and not look into her eyes. Luckily, she wears glasses a lot. Just then, I saw Freed panting. He looked exhausted. I ran to Wendy. "Wendy!! What's wrong with Freed?? Is he hurt??" I asked worriedly. "Don't worry, I'll heal him. He probably just used up too much magic energy," she reassured me. "Thanks, I was worried," I thanked her. She smiled. "Freed!! What have you done now!! Up the stairs you go!! On a bed!! Chop chop!!" Wendy yelled so the whole guild could hear it. Poor Freed. I laughed along with the rest of the guild. Just then, the rest of the Thunder Legion walked in. I ran to Loxus. "Loxus, what happened!?!?" I asked. "Dark... Guild... Coming... For... You... Watch... Out..." Loxus said exhaustedly. Wendy glared at the Thunder Legion. "Up!! I can't use all of my powers to heal you!! The only reason I'm doing this is because y/n told me to!! You better thank her after!!" Wendy yelled at them. She was acting like Carla. Wendy turned back to me. "See ya in a bit, y/n!!" She smiled. Wow, her expressions change fast. "Y/n fight me!! Wendy can't heal you now!!" Natsu challenged me. Was he kidding me!?!? "Where??" I asked sternly. "HERE!!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Bring it on!!" I yelled, " but I will totally win!!" He didn't know that I was a lightning dragon slayer. "Ladies attack first!!" He told me. "Okay!!" I yelled. Mira was cheering for me. I could hear her. "Lightning Dragon Hammer!!" I yelled an attack. Natsu got zapped with lightning coming down from above him. "I WIN!!" I yell. The whole guild cheers. I smile. "Good game, hot head," I say to Natsu. I run back to Erza, slapping hands. "Nice battle, cuz," she told me. I smiled, "Natsu didn't know what was coming." Natsu growled at me, "I'll get you for that!!" Yea right. He'd be dead if he did, or should I say, electrocuted?? Hehe.

I mixed in a little of the X reader part in there. At least now you're worrying. Soon, you will find out another thing. 501 words!!

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