Entry 15:

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"Go Wren go!" Jacob screamed from the bleachers. Wren turned and smiled at us before sprinting past the person ahead of him, putting him in first place. He crossed the finished line, still ahead, and was swarmed by a crowd of people.

"Well folks, you've seen it. Whitehurst Middle has won State Championship!" The announcer said over the intercoms the lined the track. Jacob, Carter, and Sammi pushed past me to congratulate their brother on winning for his middle school the third year in a row.

Wren was a track star, and Darin and I couldn't have been more proud of him. Speaking of Darin, she just arrived, late as usual, in bright pink pencil skirt and blazer with a black blouse underneath. Darin was CEO of a fashion magazine and had to work a lot. That meant that she missed out on the kids events a lot.

I was also in the fashion industry, but I was more into designing. I had just released a line of athletic wear for kids. I worked from home most of the time, because my kids needed at least one parent around them.

Wren Daniel Maxwell was now 14 and in 8th grade. He had lost his leg in the accident, but that didn't stop him from becoming a track star with his prosthetic leg. He dreamed of being an Olympic runner, which Darin and I encouraged greatly and made sure we would always record his runs and track his times on spreadsheets so that he could work on his technique.

Jacob Tyler Maxwell was now 13, was in 7th grade, and had a sever case of ADHD. It got really bad in elementary school around 4th grade. Darin and I pulled him out and he went to a private school for kids with ADHD now. As of right now, he wanted to be an astrophysicist. He loved the movie 'October Sky', and dreamed of working for NASA one day.

Carter Lane Maxwell was also 13 and in 7th grade. She wanted to be an author when she grew up, and was a good one already. She wrote stories and posted them on a site called Wattpad. One of her longer stories was turned into an eBook. Darin and I always made sure to read he writing and send it to Seth, who loved reading Carter's stories to his younger daughter Riley.

Sammi Grace Maxwell was 11, and she was in 5th grade. As of right now, Sammi wanted to be a police officer, but last week and the week before she wanted to be a Disney princess, so I guess we'll never know. Sammi loves fish, though. I think she's going to be a marine biologist. Right now she has a total of three different fish tanks in her room, each housing a different type of environment and fish in it. Her room was decorated with an 'Under the Sea' theme and her favorite stories were nonfiction books about the ocean.

But right now we were at the final track meet of the season where Wren had just brought his team to victory. Although Darin was late, she hadn't wasted a minute of her time and was down snapping pictures of Wren and his team to post on Twitter, Instagram, or some other crazy social media site. Wren was grinning, holding a giant trophy, and looking proud. I grabbed the case that held Wren's other leg in it(he had one made for track and one made for walking), and brought it down to him.

"Congrats darling, I'm so proud of you." I said while pulling my sweaty sun into a hug.

"Thanks mom." He said smiling and sitting down the change out his leg.

"Where to for dinner, sweetheart?" Darin asked him excitedly as she pulled me into a kiss. "Hey baby," she mumbled against my lips. "I missed you today." Although I was normally shorter than Darin, right now, she towered over me in her heels.

"I missed you too, babe." I said, kissing her again.

"Outback." Wren interrupter us.

Darin laughed and ruffled Wren's hair. "Alright Champ, let's go."

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