Entry 3:

23 1 0

Darin texted me before my phone had died and told me that she and her family would be leaving for their aunts house today at noon. She had said that it was a surprise and she didn't know it was happening. She also said that she wished I could join them, and would've invited me, but her aunt lives in Alaska and the plane tickets had already been bought.

I had texted her back and told her not to worry about me. She'd already done way to much, including dropping me off at the McDonald's down the street. She was typing, about to say something, when my phone died. It's charging right now, but I needed something to pass the time and keep me distracted.

You see, I'm alone now. I don't have Darin for 8 days, I don't have my family, and I don't have my other friends. So right now, I'm sitting alone in a McDonald's booth sipping on a smoothie and listening to the conversation of the couple a few tables down from mine.

The man has a wedding ring on his finger and every so often it catches the light shinning through the window they're at. The woman also has a wedding ring on her finger, but she's twisting it, almost as if she wants it off. The man is complaining to her, talking about how Christopher is ungrateful and how Tanya is a brat. Apparently they got that from the woman's mother.

The woman has a tear running down her face as she pulls her dark hair out of her eyes and into a messy bun. She says that Christopher isn't even his child so he can't complain. She also says that you can't blame Tanya from being a brat, because every two-year-old is a brat.

The man looks her dead in the eye and says, "I knew that this marriage was a mistake."

The woman looks devastated, but you can clearly see the anger seeping through her skin. She gives her wedding ring a sharp tug and it comes off of her finger. She slides it across the table to the man, stands, and says, "Go give that to your side whore." Then she grabs her drink and walks out.

The man leaves shortly after, and all I can think about right now is how me and Darin's future would never look like that.

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