Start from the beginning

I hovered my way over to my bed and opened the letter cautiously. I gasped loudly.

My precious,

I am sure that you probably hate me right now. Please believe me when I tell you this, although you have no little bit of reason to believe me but... I just wanted to say I'm innocent. I know that you know your godfather is a werewolf, your godfather is Remus. It depends on you if you'd like to tell him or not that you know he's your godfather. I also received knowledge that your brothers are there. Brandon and Nathan. I hope you're looking out for each other. I also know you know about your twin. But let me tell you this... He isn't dead but he isn't with me as well. It has been among the Black's blood to feel physical pain if someone with the same blood dies. He didn't die sweetheart. And when everything will be okay, we will be a family again. Oh, and how's Harry?

My deepest love to you, Brandon, Nathan and Harry,


Tears started to drop on the letter and smudge the ink. I started biting my lip to stop myself from crying.

"Kath! Are you almost done the train leaves in like ten minutes!" Hermione called from downstairs.

"Yeah! Coming!" I shouted back. I kept my letter and looked at the mirror one last time before making my way to the door. But then something caught my eye from the reflection of the mirror. I went back and looked at the mirror and saw.... Scabbers! Without even a second I took my wand out and petrified it... Or him...

"Hermione! Harry! Ron! Brandon! Nathan!" I screamed in panic. I heard a number of footsteps run on the stairs and it was followed by the sound of something crashing together and a mutter of 'ow!' I peeked through my door and saw that they all fell and the stairs turned into a slide. Oh right boys. I would have literally have laughed my heart out if I wasn't still in shock and anger from seeing scabbers. They all started climbing the slide and they surprisingly managed to go in my room.

"What's wrong Kath?!" They all asked together. Even the Weasley twins are here. I didn't speak a single word but I motioned to scabbers there on the floor.

"Scabbers!" Ron exclaimed in worry.

"Shut the bloody hell up Ronald! That's bloody Pettigrew!" Just then the window broke.

"Kath, calm down" Harry soothed, well with no avail, as he touched my shoulder. I was still very angry. Brand and Nate looked shocked in what I was capable of if I don't control my emotions while the rest were just used it like it was as natural as eating for Ron.

"Kath, what do we do?" The Weasley twins asked together like they always do. Call Professor Dumbledore or Professor Mcgonagall." I said in a very serious but exhausted tone.

They both nodded their heads and sprinted out the door. I calmed myself down and sat on my bed while Harry, and Ron were looking at Scabbers. The twins sat down in both sides of me and Hermione beside Nate. Hermione was massaging her temples probably overthinking the possibilities, while the twins leaned on both of my shoulders.

Without speaking, I gave both of them the letter for them to read and Nathan looked like he was close to crying while Brandon was visibly raged out of earth after reading the letter.

We were just waiting for the twins to be back and Brandon was shaking out of anger beside me. Nate was very angry as well but he was more of sad than angered. He was just burying his head to his hands.

"Why don't we just kill him already!" Brandon shouted out of nowhere which made all of us look at him. He was really red and he was sweating though it's cold. He stomped his way over to Scabbers with a pair of scissors he got from the night stand.

Harry was looking at him, almost begging to kill Scabbers himself, because deep down he knows that Scabbers or Pettigrew was really the one who killed his parents. Ron looked like he was about to dump his pants. Hermione had her eyes open wide. While Nate and I grabbed Brandon.

"No! Brand don't!" Nate said while tugging on his arm and he was obviously having a hard time. So was I. We tend to activate our powers when we are emotionally unstable. So that explains why Brandon is sort of physically strong right now.

"Brandon listen to me! Dad wouldn't want you to commit murder now would he?" I said as I cupped his cheeks.

"We might as well have proof so that dad will be free of charge from all crimes against him okay? We need Pettigrew alive" I said. Then he passed out. He was tired. He lay there in the floor while Hermione was about to enchant a spell to wake him up again.

"No, don't. I want Brandon to rest. He's got all his feelings bottled up inside of him... He just let it out right now. I'm not sure if I want to stress him more if he is awake. Let's just let him sleep for now." Nathan said. Mione's eyes turned soft for the obvious love Nate has for his brother. Harry made his way to us and carried Nate over to the couch. I followed him there and kissed his forehead.

"I love you bud."

A single tear rolled down his eye. Nathan gasped.

"I never knew Brand was capable of developing tears" Nathan said to us.

"He never cried. Even when mom died" He told us. I looked back at Brandon and wiped his tear away. His sweat disappeared and he was shivering. Nate then covered him with a blanket. Then he went back and sat with Hermione. Where are the Weasley twins?!

"You really love your brother don't you?" Hermione asked him with a smile. I feel sorry for Hermione. She always wanted a sibling because when she goes back to the muggle world, she has no friends.

"Yeah, he always protected me from... Never mind!" He said quickly as if he was about to spill something.

"Protect you from what Nate?" I told him as I looked at the others. I could see that the others were tense and worried for him as well. I mean I won't deny it. The Black twins are as close with me as they are with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Nothing" He said looking down.

"From what Nathan?" Harry asked him. They're like brothers with Harry actually.

"Yeah you could tell us!" Ron said.

"From... From- from... From-" He said but was cut off by Brandon.

"From mom" Brandon said his voice full of disgust when he said 'mom'


Other half (Harry potter love story) 1st bookWhere stories live. Discover now