Chapter 10

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Kelly's POV
At this moment I am completely shocked and confused. "Wait....what how" Ashley asked still in shock form what Deaton said "well as what Deucalion told Stiles the nogitsune has left something inside of Stiles rage, anger and a bit of his power" Deaton said, everyone looked at Stiles who was had his head down, when Deaton said nogitsune Stiles heart started racing. "So Stiles' kitsune powers must have shown up awhile before he turned Ashley and Kelly there for they're hybrids also and by the whole electricity thing I'm guessing that you guys are thunder kitsunes" Deaton added. It went silent for awhile I guess everyone including myself were trying to process what Deaton just told us "What can thunder kitsunes do" I asked break the awkward silence "Well I dint know a lot about kitsunes in general but I do know that thunder kitsunes can absorb and shoot out electricity" Deaton explained "what my mother never told my that we can shoot out electricity" Kira blurted out "I suggest that you all go talk to ms. Yukimura for more I information" Deaton said. We all decided to go talk to ms. Yukimura now since Kira said she not working today.

Lydia and I walked out to my jeep. Lydia got into the driver seat, I was still trying to process what Deaton just told us. I am a fucking werewolf-kitsune hybrid, I didn't even know that was a thing, I mean during the whole nogitsune thing Deaton said that the nogitsune couldn't be a fox and a werewolf but obviously he was wrong "Stiles" Lydia shouted breaking my deep thought "yeah" I responded "I asked if you're OK" Lydia said "I really don't know" I truthfully answer. Even though she couldn't look at me cause she was driving, I could smell all the worry and nervousness coming from her "everything is going to be fine Stiles I promise" Lydia reassured me and I just nodded. I know that most of the time we figure things out but with the deadpool and now this whole hybrid situation I'm not so sure. When we arrived to kira's house we all walked in and ms. Yukimura gave us a confused look "um whats going on" she asked. Kira explained everything to her mom "so you guys want to know about thunder kitsunes" ms. Yukimura asked "yes" I answered

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