Chapter 8

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Scott's pov
All 4 of them fell to the ground except Garrett, the coaches and referees rushed over to them. Liam and stiles were helped up when I heard a clicking noise and it came from Garrett's stick. I went over to stiles and liam "did Garrett cut you guys" I asked panicking. They both checked their bodies for cuts "no" Liam answered "why" stiles asked confused "Garrett has a stick just like the one you found...he's the killer" I responded. All of a sudden I noticed that Brett was being carried away, Garrett walked past us smiling all weird like "oh crap he's going after Brett " stiles blurted out. The coach blew his whistle and said that the game was over. "I'll be right back" I said then ran off to the locker room where they took Brett. When I entered the locker room it was quiet and empty "brett" I shouted, I walked further in to see him on the floor unconscious. I got closer to him then his eyes flew open, I almost fell back. He slightly turned his head to my direction, before I could turn around I was being chocked by some heated wire "Garrett said we should go after a beta...but I don't care I'm gonna kill an alpha" some girl said from behind me. I managed to turn around to loom at the girl, I knew her. Her name is violet. I pulled the wire from my neck with both of my hands until it snapped then I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her into a wall. She hit her head then fell unconscious. Stiles and Liam came running in and was shocked and confused by what they saw


By time the police got to the school to arrest Violet, Garrett was already gone. Liam and I were still in the locker room while I was breaking into Garrett's locker. When I finally broke the lock I opened the locker to see a duffle bag full of money "did you find anything" Liam asked as he watched to see if anyone was coming " let's go" I replied as I put the bag of money in my locker and we left.


I took Brett to Deaton and called told Derek to meet me there. When I got to the clinic Derek was already there waiting, he helped me bring Brett into the building when he started shaking and had some type of yellow foam coming out his mouth. We rushed him inside, Deaton told us to put him on the steel table. "OK I need you two to hold him as still as possible" Deaton urged us as he grabbed a scalpel, we....well at least I was trying to hold him down "you know Derek you can try" I hissed at him and he just growled at me. It looked like he was struggling to hold him down. We managed to hold him kinda still and Deaton cut a straight line in the middle of Brett's chest. A yellow gas came out of the cut "what is that" I asked almost amazed "wolfsbane" Deaton answered "and a very lethal kind" he added.


I got home from the clinic, when I entered my house I heard another heartbeat and I knew my dad was still at the station. I slowly walked upstairs into my room. I walked in and saw no one there. Then all of the sudden I was hit over the head, I feel to the ground and looked up at the girl who hit me. I stood up then she pulled out a taser and shot at me but to my and her surprise I caught the strings and wasn't being electrocuted at all. The girl was shocked and so was I but I keep my cool, I threw the taser to the side then she pulled a knife out of her boot and threw it at me but I also caught that too. What the fuck is going on I'm actually scaring myself. The girl was completely terrified now and she ran out of my room, I would've followed her but I was Still in shock. What the hell is going on with me

Hey peoples this chapter is kinda short didn't have a lot of time to write.
Anyways what do think wrong with stiles what makes him worth more money

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