Run Away With Me

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Abbie was halfway up the stairs when she heard the horns. The sound was familiar, and she knew she had heard them before. She almost didn't dare hope, but she had to know what was happening. So she changed her course from the Great Hall to one of the watchtowers. As she fought and slashed her way through the orcs constantly coming at her, she did her best to protect her stomach. Everything had changed now. Like her father had said, it wasn't only her life on the line, but the life of her child as well. Abbie thought of her dream and the happiness in Thorin and their son's eyes as she screamed and stabbed the orcs with all the force she could muster. One of them tried to stab her in the back and Abbie let out a furious growl.

"Die, you filth!" She screamed as she plunged the rusty sword in it's head. She struggled with pulling it out, and wished she had found a better sword. Then she shrugged as she moved on. At least she had found a sword at all, she figured that a wooden stick would have been a lot worse to get by with. Orc by orc, Abigail managed to kill with only a few scratches. But every time a weapon got anywhere near her stomach, she almost got a heart attack. Finally, she arrived to one of the watchtowers. It felt like ages since she had left the Great Hall, but in reality there had been no more than three minutes.

The queen of Erebor looked out over the battlefield with a horrified expression. This was so much worse than she had imagined. Elves, dwarves and men were dying on the battlefield, fighting against the orcs. What horrified her even more was that they were three armies against one, and still they seemed to be failing. Azog's army of orcs was enormous. Then she saw him. Not Azog, but her husband. Thorin was slashing his way through his enemies. His crown was no longer on top of his head, he wasn't even in battle armor. But that dwarf, screaming angrily and destroying his enemies with that fierce look in his eyes, that was the Thorin Abbie had fallen in love with. Seeing him again made Abbie cry out in happiness. She had thought that Thorin was gone forever, but now she knew that they had a chance at the life they deserved. But she still had to find him. With urgency, Abbie grabbed her sword which had fallen to the ground in her surprise, and started running down the stairs. She was unaware that Thorin was running right in her direction, the only thing on his mind her smile.

Someone ran into Abbie and she was prepared to plunge her sword into the being, when she realized that it was her father.

"Abbie?! What are you doing here?" Bilbo exclaimed furiously. His face was stained with dirt and blood, and he seemed to be running from something. Abbie was headed toward the exit of Dale, to where the dwarf army was fighting. "You were supposed to be safe in the Great Hall with the women and children." He breathed out, putting his hands on his waist from all the exercise. Abigail scratched her head with a guilty expression. She had promised her father to get to safety, but she hadn't done it.

"I need to find Thorin, father." She prayed that Bilbo had also seen Thorin bursting out of the mountain, seen that the king he trusted was back. She needed him to understand how important the dwarf was to her.

"Alright. I'll lead him to you if you promise to go wait in the Great Hall." The hobbit argued, looking behind his shoulder to avoid the dangers. A wave of relief flooded Abbie. She had actually been dreading running straight into the battlefield while trying to protect herself.

"I promise." Abbie started to turn around, but stopped. "Father? I love you." She added. The youth in Bilbo's face seemed to reappear, the creases on his forehead eased as he pulled her into a hug.

"I love you too, my little Abbie. Please... Please be safe. And protect my grandchild too." He said when he pulled away. Abbie knew from the tears in his eyes that she was his everything, and she beamed at him sadly as he ran away toward where her husband was. The she-elf spun on her heel and ran toward the Great Hall. As she kept fighting her way through the mass of orcs coming at her, she thought of how difficult everything had become.

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