The Adventure Begins

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"Dear Father

I left early this morning to buy some food at the market downtown. I thought I would leave you alone so that you could make your decision without me interfearing.
You shouldn't go if you're not prepared, father. I am not ready to lose you, not yet. But, if you must go, then please know that I can stay here alone. Someone needs to keep watch of the house, and keep the Sackville Bagginses away from it. I am 23 years old now, I can take care.

I hope you make the right decision.
With Love, Abbie"

Bilbo folded the letter with a frown on his forehead. He had just woken up and found the letter beside him, signed with the elegant writing of his daughter. He sighed as he put the letter in his vest, looking all around him. The sun was beaming through the round windows and a summer breeze was brushing his face. Wait, breeze? Bilbo looked at the door and found it wide open, and he realized that the dwarves had left. He had one quick choice to make, and no time to lose.

Abigail rushed through the forest, jumping over roots and water streams. The smell of wet wood filled we senses and she laughed. She had never felt so free in her life. She knew where she was going, aha had a purpose. The birds were chirping in the trees, calling for their friends. Abbie heard every sound in the big earthy forest, and every single one of them made her smile. That was until she heard a sound that didn't come from any animal he knew live in the forest. It was a horse, neighing. She instantly shut her mouth and hid behind a tree.

"I knew the hobbit would chicken out. You owe me, Balin." Abbie heard one of the dwarves mock, chuckling. She rolled her eyes, but a part of her was relieved. At least now she knew that her father would be safe and out of danger. She could go in this quest with the dwarves, and her father would be happy at home. He would probably search for her but she wouldn't be gone that long. Besides, she had already thought of that. Abigail had bribed The Sackville Bagginses with money so that they would not tell Bilbo where she was.

The young halfling smirked to herself as she got an idea. She would prove herself to the dwarves already now. Abbie grinned as she held up her bow and arrow and aimed at a bird perched on a branch over the dwarves' heads.

She was perfectly confident that she would make the shot, and was just a second away from releasing the arrow when it happened.

"Wait for me, wait! I'm not used to riding a horse!" Bilbo said, and Abbie saw that he was riding behind the dwarves on a little pony. She was so surprised that she released the arrow, and it hit the tree just above Gandalf's head.

"ORCHS!" Thorin roared, an the dwarves turned their heads toward the tree where she was hiding. Arrows were instantly shot in her direction, and she stepped out from the tree.

"It's me! It's Abigail Baggins, now stop shooting arrows at me before I shoot some through your thick dwarf heads!" Abbie shouted, walking up to the company. They sighed and rolled their eyes, but the expression most shocked was of course her father's.

"Abigail! What on middle earth are you doing here?" Bilbo growled, jumping off his horse.

"Do you really think I'd let you do this without me, father? You haven't even held a sword in your life, I wouldn't let you risk your life like that." Abbie answered, shrugging as if everything was normal. Her father started yelling at her about being irresponsible and all the while, Thorin was watching them both impatiently.

"ENOUGH!" He growled, catching everyone's attention. "I said that she wasn't allowed to go with us. You go home, Abigail Baggins. You have no place in our company."

The halfling woman looked at the dwarf with so much anger in her eyes, that he was actually impressed.

"You will not tell me what I can and what I can't do. Especially not because I'm a woman. I'm an adult, and I have chosen to go with you whether you want it or not." She crossed her arms and spoke through clenched teeth.

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