A Thundering Thunder Battle

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Abbie opened her eyes to a golden sky. A cry was heard in the background, but she could still hear the birds chirping.

"Schhh, Alannia. Do not fret. I am here." A woman's voice said, and Abigail turned her eyes to meet her beautiful blue eyes. Only then did she realize that she had been the one crying. It was a baby's cry, and she understood that she was the baby.

"Everything is going to be alright. Hush my little princess." The woman said, a tear running down her ivory cheek. Her hair was long and strawberry blonde, just like Abbie's.

"Faelyn, we have to go." A man's voice said, and the woman's head snapped up. The sadness was thick in her voice when she replied.

"No. Just a little bit longer." She whispered, and started singing a lullaby.

"Goodnight, my angel

Time to close your eyes

And save these questions for another day

I think I know what you've been asking me

I think you know what I've been trying to say

I promised I would never leave you

And you should always know

Wherever you may go

No matter where you are

I never will be far away" Her voice was beautiful and soothing, and Abbie felt her eyes get drowsy. She smiled at Abigail, the tears falling freely down her cheeks by then.

"Faelyn now. Mithrandir awaits." The man's voice replied, his face coming into vision.

"Wake up Abbie. We're leaving." Bilbo said, shaking Abigail's shoulders. She jumped up, alert. She lied down again when she realized that it only was her father.

"Everybody get up!" Thorin growled, and the little half hobbit remembered where she was. She gathered her things like the others did.

"We can't leave without Gandalf!" She told Thorin. That dream had been so real. Gandalf's other name, Mithrandir, had been mentioned in it. Abbie had a vague feeling that it actually was a memory and not a dream. She wanted to know.

"He will try to stop us. I do not trust the elves. Besides, we cannot be delayed." The dwarf prince answered.


"No! We're leaving now, and if you have a problem with that, you can stay." Thorin growled back at her, and Abigail glared at him.

"You don't have to yell, I get it!" She spat back as he walked away.

"Grumpy old dwarf." She muttered to herself as she put on her backpack and followed the others. As they walked out of Rivendell, the lullaby her mother had sung to her echoed in her head. No matter where you are, I never will be far away. She felt a strange loss, and all alone all of a sudden.

"What's up with you today? You haven't said a word to anyone since we left, and that's not very like you." Bilbo said, coming up behind her. Abigail smiled at him. Her father always had a way of knowing when something was wrong with her.

"It's nothing, father. I had a strange dream, that's all." She answered, looking across the mountains. They had taken another road this time, afraid that the orcs would be waiting them out on the other side of the secret passage. This time they were crossing the big mountains and not the grassy plains.

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