Little Hobbit

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The sun was about to set when they reached the bridge to Laketown. However, there was one slight problem. The track of the orcs had gone another way, and Legolas and Tauriel wanted to follow it instead.

"I will part with you know. I need to get to my friends, warn them about Kíli's wound. Thank you for your help." Abbie said, looking at the long bridge. She glanced at Tauriel when she spoke about Kíli, and her frown softened. To her surprise, the two elves actually agreed. Soon, Abbie was walking along the wooden bridge. She hadn't thought of the fact that she was still dressed in a white gown. She desperately wished for a pair of pants and a shirt. She felt very uncomfortable in the loose dress. At least she had her bow and arrows.

Abigail slowed down when she saw the guards at the opening of the town. She slipped on the golden ring, and felt the immediate change when she went invisible. She walked straight past the guards. One of them seemed to hear her pass and frowned, but he shrugged and looked straight ahead again. As soon as she was out of sight from the guards, she slipped off her ring. Something about it told her that she shouldn't use it too much. It was too great to be used without consequences.

"Now, how on earth am I supposed to find the dwarves?" She asked herself quietly, just as she saw a group of tiny men a couple of houses away from her. They were tip-toeing, looking behind their backs for guards. She immediately recognized them as the company of Thorin, but just as she was about to walk over to them, a guard passed her. She smiled at him and he lifted his hat before moving on. Alright, Abigail knew that it was best that she stayed out of whatever the dwarves were doing. She would join them when there was no danger of being discovered. Instead, she followed the dwarves in the shadow. Indeed, Thorin was at the back of the company, and at one moment, she was almost sure that he had seen her. He was looking behind him, and looked directly at her. Abbie quickly moved back into the shadows but Thorin was still staring at where she had stood. Then he shook his head and turned to the dwarves again. Abbie breathed out. He couldn't see her, not yet.

A loud clanging noise was heard from where the dwarves were, and the guards at the gate's heads snapped up. Oh dear, what was going on? Abbie pretended to look at one of the houses when the guards ran past her. Soon, the whole company was being led out by the dwarves, and Abbie quickly hid from them. She followed the guards, who seemed to be leading the dwarves to some court. The commotion led the people of Laketown to light their houses, and soon everyone was out in the streets. The mass of people turned out so big that Abbie had a hard time seeing or hearing what was happening in the front. For once, she was thankful that she was so small. She quietly pushed herself between the humans, earning a couple of curses and foul words. She glared at them before making her way forward. When she was just behind the guards, she was finally able to hear what was going on. Thorin was standing only a couple of inches before her. She desperately wanted to reach out and touch him, tell him that she was there. But she knew she couldn't. By the looks of it, they were arrested. If she admitted to knowing them, she would probably get arrested too.

"Hold your tongue! You do not know to whom you speak!" Dwalin growled. Abbie recognized his gruff voice. "This is no common criminal! This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!"

Thorin moved forward, and Abbie was able to sneak in between of the two guards. She made no sound, she didn't want to alarm the guards or the dwarves for that sake.

"We are the dwarves of Erebor, and we have come to reclaim our homeland." Thorin said, and Abbie took a step forward. She realized what she had done when a few of the dwarves turned around and gaped at her. She pretended like she didn't see them.

"I remember this town in the great days of old... Fleets of boats lay at harbor, filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake! This was the center of all trade in the north!" Thorin growled as he turned to the people, leaving the silly man who must have been some kind of lord of the town behind his back. He stopped his speech when he saw Abbie. His eyes widened and he gaped, but he quickly gained his composure. Not quick enough however, for all eyes turned to her. Including her father's, which were filled with surprise.

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