Goodnight My Angel

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"I need to speak to Gandalf!" Abbie practically threw herself at Bard when she saw him on the east side of the village. She wanted answers, and part of her was afraid that if she stopped, she had to think about the pain in her heart. Bard led Abbie through stone paths with a grim expression on his face. Finally, they arrived to a tent where Gandalf was walking back and forward with a worried face.

"Abigail Baggins. Well Oakenshield now, I suppose." If Abbie had thought that Bard's expression was grim, Gandalf's was even more so. The she-elf entered the tent briskly without waiting for permission. She had been waiting for this moment all her life.

"I need answers." She told the wizard and faced him as Bard exited the tent with a frown. "There's no time to answer questions now, Abbie." The old Gandalf answered, while peeking his head outside the tent to see how everything was going in the village. He seemed even more distressed than he had been earlier.

"We both know that all you can do now is to wait for dawn to come. You have no army to assemble, Gandalf the Gray. Now, tell me who I am." Abbie crossed her arms and gave him that defying look which not many dared to cross. With a sigh, Gandalf sat down and motioned for Abbie to sit down on a chair before him.

"I assume going to Rivendell and Mirkwood woke some deep parts of you never knew you had?" The wizard stopped with his brows raised and Abbie nodded silently. "What do you know about your parents?"

"I know that they were named Theoden and Faelyn, and they were lord and lady of the town of Alqualondë." Gandalf nodded in agreement as Abbie spoke. "I remember my mother singing to me as a baby. Meanwhile, my father was speaking to her about a goodbye. That she had to take farewell to me. I remember my mother crying as she gave me away. To you. Then you started muttering words in a strange language, and everything went black." The queen spoke with a pondering face. She was still trying to understand herself, but it felt like there was a missing piece to the puzzle.

"Next thing I remember is you leaving me on Bilbo's doorstep, and him picking me up with a smile." She finished. Gandalf looked weary and tired as he gathered himself to speak.

"Your mother and father were very respected elves, but they both went paranoid in their late years. They had control over the elven sea trade, and that was a very requested seat. They gathered themselves enemies. Dark enemies, from the orcs, but also other elves." The wizard squinted as the she-elf before him and stopped, as if he was weighing whether or not to continue. "I wish to be completely honest with you, Abigail. Truth is, your father was in debt to a dark elf from a far away land. This elf had threatened your father to kill him, and even though your parents paid their debt, the threat was still there. So, your parents decided to put you in safety, in case something would happen to them." Gandalf explained slowly, so that Abbie wouldn't miss anything. The she-elf was listening intently, her eyes wide with fascination.

"Put me in safety? How?" She asked the wizard, a crease between her brows appearing.

"Here's where I come in. Your parents wanted all links between them and you to be cut, so that you couldn't be traced to them. The only way to do that was to make you not look like an elf in the first place. So, Theoden asked me to perform a very special spell on you, Abbie. A spell that would take away your elven appearance and numb your elven qualities for a couple of decades." Gandalf sighed as he studied the queen before him. Her hair was tousled, and her eyes were red from crying. She had looked like a true queen in the beginning of the evening, but now she only looked like a broken girl. The wizard could assume what had happened between her and her husband.

"So you mean that I'm an elf? But I just don't look like one, because you put a spell on me?" Abbie raised her brows in confusion. It was so complicated, but at least she was starting to see the puzzle falling into place.

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