Quite a Different Hobbit...

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"Could you go and buy some dinner for tonight, Abbie? We're out of fish!" Bilbo Baggins yelled from the kitchen, scratching his head. He swore that he had seen a fish in the kitchen somewhere only yesterday... Well, it didn't hurt to buy some more.

"Yes, dad." Abigail Baggins answered, entering the room with a sigh. Her father gave her a slightly irritated look.

"What's with this attitude of yours?" Bilbo asked her, concerned about his usually happy daughter.

"Nothing, father. You're getting old and imagining things, that's all." She answered, kissing him on the cheek before hurrying out of the door. He smiled to himself as he started doing the dishes. He was only being silly, there was nothing wrong with Abigail.

Abigail Baggins, often called Abbie, was no ordinary girl, and known for exactly that in the little village in the Shire, called Hobbiton. Abbie was as a matter of fact the only half human, half hobbit living in Hobbiton, but the people living in the village had long ago stopped whispering about her as she walked down the streets. They treated her as one of their own now, but even so, they could not help but stare at the young woman as she walked down the path to the market with shoes on her feet. Since she was half human, she lacked the big hairy feet and the rather large ears of the hobbit, but she was as small as one. Her human side also led to her being not as peaceful as the other hobbits, and seeking more adventure.

Abigail was usually happily skipping around the village, but today something was different. She was sulking, with her head down, kicking rocks as she walked toward the fish-vendor.

"Everything alright, Abbie?" He asked. The fish-vendor met her nearly everyday, and he noticed something was wrong.

"Yes, just a bit bored, that's all." The human girl sighed as she gave him the money, and accepted the fish. She quickly said goodbye as she walked off in the opposite direction, leaving the man rubbing his chin pensively. What an odd girl, he thought. He had never seen a bored hobbit before, but once again, Abigail Baggins was no real hobbit.

Abbie Baggins was adopted by Bilbo Baggins 22 years before this day, when he found her wrapped in a blanket outside his door. The hobbit had asked around in the village if someone was missing a child, but it was quite obvious that the child was not only a hobbit, but a human too. Bilbo had no other choice than to take her in, he could not leave a little child to death, hobbit or not.

Abigail frowned a she tried to open the door to Bag-end, the Baggins house on one of the hills green hills of The Shire. The house was never locked, Hobbits did not steal from each other. Well, except for the Sackville-Bagginses, she thought for herself, chuckling as she remembered the time when she had caught one of them trying to steal their silver spoons. The door slowly opened now, and her father looked out from the little crack between the door and the wall.

"Come in, quickly!" Bilbo ushered, as he opened the door, dragging his daughter in before locking it again.

"What's going on?" Abbie asked, scared but also thrilled. Finally something was happening here! Bilbo was looking out of the window nervously, as if someone had been following his daughter.

"There was this man here... Gandalf was here. He said something strange about bringing me on an adventure, and I don't like it a bit!" He exclaimed, drawing the curtain over the window.

"Who's Gandalf?" His daughter asked curiously, her interest peaking up. She looked out of the window, but there was no one there. She kept looking, and suddenly, a big blue eye appeared, looking straight into her own. Abbie gasped, and stumbled back a few steps.

"That, was Gandalf." Bilbo sighed, and started explaining what the wizard had told him. The more he said, the more excited Abigail became. The word "adventure" rang with a beautiful tone for the rest of the day.

Someone rang the doorbell, and Bilbo Baggins jumped out of surprise, almost dropping his plate of food. Abbie looked at her father with concealed delightment, taking in his worried expression. She knew that something strange, yet exciting was happening. Bilbo stumbled over to the still locked front door, unsure if he should open it or ignore it. The person banged on the door now, and Bilbo hurried, not wanting his door to break. He opened it cautiously, and nearly closed the door again when he saw who was standing on his doorstep.

"Who is it, Dad?" Abigail came up behind her father, looking at the stranger surprisingly.

"A dwarf." Bilbo answered, almost not believing his eyes. He had never seen a dwarf before, but the description of them from his books fit in with this man. He had a bald head, with hair growing all around it, under his ears. He was dressed in a big cloak, and wore a grim expression.

"Dwalin, at your service." The grumpy-looking man said, bowing down. Dwalin eyed the girl with a frown. Gandalf had not told him that there would be a girl this evening, especially not a part human one. And, he had definitely not told him that she was Bilbo Baggins's daughter.

"Bilbo Baggins... At yours." The hobbit answered, insecurely. He stepped in front of his daughter, trying to protect her from this strange man. Abbie rolled her eyes, but stayed behind her father.

"Abigail Baggins." She said, waving over the shoulder of Bilbo. The dwarf gave her a curt nod, but still looked confused to see her there. He took a step into the house, walking past the two owners.

"Excuse me, but do we know each other?" Bilbo asked, trying to stop the big man from barging into his house.

"No." Dwalin replied, as if the answer was obvious. He stepped around the hobbit and his human daughter, and thus began the strangest night in both Abigail and Bilbo's lives so far.

A/N: Disclaimer: I do not own anything except Abigail Baggins. 

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