Bones Will Be Shattered, Necks Will Be Wrung

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This is a complicated spell, Faelyn. Are you sure you want to go through with it?" A voice said, but Abbie had closed her eyes. She was in somebody's arms. Warm, comforting and familiar arms.

"I wish we didn't have to, but it's for her sake. For our daughter." A woman said. Her mother, Abigail thought. She recognized her mother's voice instantly now.

"It's going to be alright, my love. She will be happy." The one holding her said with a soothing voice. Abbie opened her eyes to meet the face of her father. He was just as beautiful as her mother, with his dark brown hair and green eyes. He smiled upon her, and Abbie couldn't help but giggle. She was so happy there, with her parents.

"I really do hope so, Theoden. Do what you have to do, Mithrandir. I want the best for Alannia, even if it means giving her away." Faelyn said, her voice thick. Theoden placed Abbie on what seemed to be a marble altar, and she started crying because of the cold feeling of the stone. Her father's embrace had been much warmer, and she had a bad feeling about what was going to happen.

"Abbe. We're leaving, gather your things." Bilbo whispered, and Abigail opened her eyes.

"Leaving? Where?" She asked, frowning. Her adoptive father was standing before her, all of his things packed.

"Back to Rivendell." He answered, and Abbie gasped.

"Oh no! We're not leaving them. We can't go back now." She replied, glaring at her father for even coming up with that outrageaous idea.

"We're not like them Abbie. We've never been a part of their group. You heard what Thorin said. I never should've come. He was right." Bilbo said, and Abbie took a deep breath.

"I'm staying. You might not belong with these dwarves, but I do. I can feel that this is my destiny. I'm meant to be here." She explained to her father, unaware of a certain dwarf prince listening to their conversation. Thorin listened to the young woman with a strange sense of pride, but quickly shook the thought away.

"If that's so then... I'm leaving. You're a grown woman now, Abbie. I know you can handle yourself. But I can't do this. I can't continue lying to myself and pretend to be an adventurer. Goodbye." Bilbo told his daughter, and she was about to interrupt when she saw a strange blue glow come from his sword.

"Dad, your sword is glowing." She said, alarmed.

"Wake up! WAKE UP!" Thorin roared as the ground started giving in under them. The sleeping dwarves jumped to life, quickly taking their weapons. It was to no mean's end however, because the ground tore apart under them. Abbie screamed as she fell, tumbling against the stone walls of the cave. The falling never seemed to end. She barely even had time to think before she was pressed against Thorin and Bofur, with fíli and Kíli on top of her.

"Has anyone ever told you how heavy you are?" She growled at the two dwarves on top of her, as they all tried to get up. They were all gathered in some form of trap under the mountain. All of a sudden they were attacked by little foul creatures, but they were surprisingly strong. Abigail screamed and fought as they lifted her up and pushed her away, horrified at the sight of the ugly goblins. They pushed the dwarf company forward, but Abbie had lost sight of her friends. She knew they were there, but there were so many goblins there that she could barely see them.

"Let go of me you son of a–" Abigail screamed, pushing one of the goblins holding her, but they only pushed her harder. As she finally managed to rip free for a second, she looked up around her. They were in an underground cave, but there was some kind of Goblin network there. The whole place was stacked with wooden planks and branches, and they felt very unstable as you walked on them. The goblins pushed Abbie from all sides, urging her to move faster. She almost tripped over her own feet at least three times. Finally, they were brought to what resembled a throne. Sitting upon it was the most horrid being she had ever seen. It was a giant goblin with a malformed face, and a double chin that was larger than Abbie was from head to toe.

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