Thousands of Goblins

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Suddenly there was a big explosion of light, and the sound was so loud that Abigail's ears started ringing. Before she knew it, she was on the ground. The whole area had gone dark. Abbie squinted her eyes and saw a shadow with a pointy hat.

"Gandalf." She breathed out. The light returned and she looked all around her to assure herself that all the dwarves were alright. The goblins had woken up as well, and they were all staring at Gandalf.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" He growled, and Abbie snapped out of her daze. She could hear again, and she quickly grabbed her sword. She didn't even think twice before chopping head after head off from the goblins, disgusted by them. From then, everything was chaos. The dwarves were killing goblins, who seemed to duplicate every time one was killed. They were so many, Abigail hadn't realized that when she had first come. She didn't see any easy ways out of this situation, yet she kept fighting for her life. She caught a glimpse of the Great Goblin swinging his mace at Nori, and stopped for half a second. It was a dumb decision, since she got jumped by three goblins. She screamed as she fought them off the best she could, but she was still really clumsy with her sword. She plunged it through one of the goblins stomach, and it stumbled backwards with a groan. Soon the two others were gone to, and she heard a loud scream. She turned to where the sound came from, and saw the Great Goblin falling down the dark pits, Thorin standing near the edge. He must've defended Nori. Abbie gave out a relieved sigh, but she didn't get to rest for long.

"Follow me. Quick! Run!" Gandalf shouted, and they were running. Abbie didn't even think, she just slashed through the goblins with her sword. She was glad that she had been keeping up her stamina by hunting in the forest, for she would not have made it if it were not for that.

They ran on as several dwarves yelled commands. Faster, quicker. Abigail was panting but she kept in running, knowing that her life depended on it. Her arm was getting tired from swinging her sword.

"Post!" Dwalin shouted as he and a couple of other dwarves cut a post from the side of the way and held it out in front of them.

"Charge!" He commanded, and the dwarves holding the post swept away the goblins with it. They tumbled down to the dark void beneath them as the dwarves ran along.

"Cut the ropes!" Thorin yelled as they arrived to a platform. The goblins that stood on it fell down with it, and the compan kept fighting them off. Now four goblins were at Abigail and even though she fought on as best as she could, it was getting difficult.

"AH!" She screamed as one of the goblins plunged a sword through her leg. The pain was blinding, but she kept fighting. She only hoped that the sword hadn't cut through any muscles. She limped on behind the other dwarves as they arrived to a ladder, which they used as a bridge. As soon as they had crossed it, Dwalin cut it so that no more goblins could follow them.

"Quickly!" Gandalf shouted and Abigail moaned while running as quickly as she could with her leg.

"Hurry up, Abigail!" Thorin told her and she ignored the stabbing pain in her leg, running even faster. She did not want to get abandoned here amongst all the goblins. Suddenly they were on a moving platform, and they all tried to retain their balance as it swung forward and backward.

"Jump!" Thorin commanded, and Abigail among a couple of other dwarves managed to jump to the other path. Soon the others jumped as well, and they were on the run again. Abbie beheaded another couple of goblins, taking out her anger because of her leg. The goblins were still rushing at them, and she wondered once more how many goblins there were in the cave. It seemed like millions.

Gandalf then struck a big rock above them with his cane and it fell down. It then rolled down the path, crushing several goblins. The Company ran after them, still trying to find a way out. Abbie was still at the back of the line, due to her limp. She didn't see why the dwarves suddenly stopped, but she could soon hear why.

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