Voices In My Head

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Abbie watched Thorin turn away from her and look at her father, fear settling in her heart. What had he done? What had her silly, stubborn, innocent father done? Abbie was scared for how her husband would react. When she had locked eyes with him just moments ago, she had seen the real Thorin. He was buried somewhere down there within the cold king, but he was there. But now, there was no way to know how Thorin would react. The queen was prepared to bet that it wouldn't end very well.

"What are they saying?" Abbie asked Thranduil. Worry was eating at her heart, and she hated not hearing what was going on with her father and husband.

"If you try hard enough, you can hear them. Your elvish hearing is capable of it." The elven king said to her right. Abbie frowned at him, but did as he told her. She concentrated on the muffled voices from the mountain, feeling a strange tingling sensation fill her heart.

"You would steal from me?" The voice that haunted her heart and dreams spoke with underlying anger. Abbie gasped at her own powers and couldn't help but share a victorious grin with Thranduil.

"Steal from you? No. No. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim." Bilbo replied, and worry replaced the victorious feeling. He didn't know what was coming for him. Abbie had to suppress the urge to run up to the dwarves and take her father as far away from Thorin as she could, but she knew it was impossible. Bilbo had put himself in this position; It was he who would have to rescue himself this time.

"Against your claim?! Your claim! You have no claim over me you miserable rat!" The mad king growled. Abbie heard the thump of his bow falling to the ground as her husband moved toward Bilbo with tall steps.

"I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to, but..." The hobbit defended himself. Even though he was standing in front of a mad-man, with his soldiers standing around him, Bilbo's voice didn't quiver with fear.

"But what, thief?!" Thorin was moving closer and closer to Bilbo, and Abbie subconsciously took a few steps toward the entrance to the palace. Her palace.

"Abbie, stop. There's nothing you can do." Thranduil said calmly,  compassion in his eyes.

"He's going to hurt him." Abbie replied worriedly. She turned her attention up to the conversation between her two most beloved people in Middle Earth again.

"You are changed, Thorin! The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!" Bilbo said. Abbie suddenly realized where her courage came from.

"Do not speak to me...of loyalty!" The king roared, but something had changed in his voice. He sounded truly mad.

"Throw him from the rampart!" Thorin growled, and Abbie's breath hitched. The king turned to the other dwarves, but they didn't move. He didn't realize that Bilbo was their friend. At least Abbie could take solace in the fact that none of the other dwarves would hurt her father.

"DO YOU HEAR ME?!" The king of Erebor grabbed his nephew's arm, but Fíli shook him away.

"I will do it myself!" Thorin growled to himself and grabbed Bilbo by the neck, beginning to push him over the rampart.

"STOP!" Abbie didn't know what had happened to her voice, but it's force had magnified what felt like a hundred times.

"Thorin, you kill my father and you will NEVER see me again!" She roared. The queen of Erebor walked toward her husband, who had stopped shaking Bilbo. He looked down at her with an unreadable expression.

"What do I care... Elf." Thorin replied. Abbie felt the blow to her heart, but she knew that she couldn't step down. He was sick. This wasn't Thorin speaking, she told herself.

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