The Gallery of the Kings

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Half a second later, Smaug erupted from the wall right above Abbie and Bilbo. The two tiny beings ran for there lived as the big banners fell down, but Bilbo saw a great opportunity to use it to their advantage. He quickly crept under one of the banners that had fallen down, and Abbie quickly followed her father's lead.

She heard, more than saw, Smaug land in front of them and turn around.

"You think you can fool me, barrel-rider?"The dragon growled, and Abbie frowned at her father.

"Oh, I smell the elf as well. Aren't you a bit tiny to be an elf? A bit too powerless and weak?" Smaug turned around and sniffed the air. Abigail felt her father's eyes widen at her, but let out a relieved sigh. Smaug hadn't seen them. He was only smelling them.

"You have come from laketown, both of you." The beast changed the subject, and Abbie was relieved. "'This is some sordid scheme between these filthy dwarves and those miserable tub-trading lake-men. Those sniveling cowards with their long bows and black arrows. Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit." Smaug growled.

"Oh no." Both Abbie and Bilbo gasped at the same time. The prophecy would come true. Bard had been right.

"This isn't their fault!" Bilbo said to himself, and got up from their hiding-place."WAIT! You cannot go to Laketown!" He yelled at the enormous dragon. Abbie had no choice but to follow her father, and joined his side.

"You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die." Smaug mocked, and turned toward the direction of Laketown.

"This is not good." Abbie exclaimed with panic as the dragon charged toward the exit.

"HERE!" The deep voice she recognized as Thorin's bellowed from their left. "You witless worm!" Abbie turned toward where the voice came from, and saw the dwarf king standing on top of a stone statue which resembled a king.

"You..." The dragon growled, infuriated. He turned back toward the dwarf with a snarl.

"I am taking back what you stole." Thorin said with unwavering confidence. Smaug started walking toward the dwarf with heavy steps, and Abbie had to look out for his tail once more.

"You will take nothing from me, dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of men. I am king under the mountain." Abbie balled her fists at what the dragon was saying. He was as far away from a king as one could get.

"This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands. This is dwarf gold. And we will have our revenge." Thorin growled. Before Abbie could register what was happening, a rumbling sound of moving stone filled her ears. She moved to get a better glimpse at what was happening, and saw a golden king instead of the stone statue which Thorin had been standing on. Smaug was petrified in front of the golden statue, mesmerized by it. Of course. Thorin was playing at Smaug's biggest weakness. His love for gold. Then, the most amazing thing happened. Liquid gold erupted from the statue. It had never been a statue. The gold had never become completely solid, and now gold was crashing down on Smaug in waves. Abbie was so amazed by the gold that she didn't realize what was going to happen until it was too late. She jumped to her left as quickly as she could, but she was too slow. Scorching liquid gold hit her right arm, and she screamed in complete agony. It was the most excruciating pain she had ever felt. Her whole body was on fire. Barely a few seconds passed before Abbie completely passed out. She fell against the cold hard stone with a loud thud.

Meanwhile, the dwarves were looking at the falling dragon, unaware of what had happened to their beloved Abbie. The sound Smaug was making when the gold hit him had masked her scream, and their view of her was blocked. The dwarves exchanged victorious looks among each other as the dragon was buried in gold, but their glory didn't last for long. Smaug erupted from the sea of gold, barely seconds after he had fallen.

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