Ch.42 Last Chapter (Part 2)

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I'm Back.. as I promise
This will be the last chapter ^^
So here is a farewell I think :"D
I don't know I will write again or not
Hahaha.. Thank you for reading this story 😢

Yuri POV

Why they looks like a stranger
I will try to forget about them..

Ar: Yuri.. if you want to cry just cry

Yr: Anri... how can... this..

"Ehm..excuse me.."

Ar: Yes??

Hy: Hello.. my name is Haeyeol, Can I talk to both of you.? ehm in private..

Yr: Haeyeol..? Wait I know that name

Ha: Oh.. really? Then.. can we talk? Do you have any place for us to talk?

Yt: Let's go to my home..

Ha: Okay thank you..

So this girl.. with hoya..
I remember Woohyun and myungsoo oppa talking about her

Ha: So, first.. let me introduce myself, my name is Kim Haeyeol, so yuri ssi know about me right?

Yr: Yea,.. ehm.. hoya?

Ha: Yes.. let me tell you about what happen to me and hoya first

Ar: Is it okay to tell us this??

Ha: It's okay.. I just want to tell you guys about what happen to me

Yr: Ahh but why you know that I have some relations with infinite

Ha: Because I'm at the same stage as you, and I see you talking to myungsoo..

Yr: huh? So that means?!

Ha: Yeah.. Okay.. so.. actually me and howon meet at cafe.. he approach me first, and we start to meet oftenly at that cafe.. But around 2 months after that I never see him, so I try to get into their fancafe, try to meet him as a fan..
But nothing.. I Can't..

Yr: How can that happen??

Ar: Yeah we can meet them..

Ha: Yeah.. that's the difference between us, I can't meet him until today

Yr: Really??

Ha: yes.. so as you can see.. when I meet him.. he just asking about my name

Yr: Same

Ar: Same.. ah but woohyun oppa give me some paper

Yr: Really??!

Ar: So this paper maybe?

Ha: go open it!!

Ar: Hmm.. Let's see

"ppyong ppyong ~♡ "

Yr: ....

Ar: ....

Ha: ....

Ar: Okay so.. what is it? So after what happen to haeyeol ssi this means that they are trying to forget about us and become a stranger right??

Ha: Yes.. that's what I mean

Yr: I see.. so I think it's really the best way for us to let them go

Ha: But have you guys read their message??

Yr: hmm not yet.. why?

Ha: well some members say to me to look at their message

Yr: ahh me too

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