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I'm Back~
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Woohyun POV

I tell this two idiot the whole story..

Wh: did you guys hear my story?

Sg: Yes we are..

Dw: Yes..

Wh: don't you have something to tell me??

Sg: I have..

Wh: What is it?

Sg: You really Crazy aren't you??

Wh: You think I want it too hyung? Actually I prefer to fall in love with dongwoo hyung

Dw: Whatttt??!!

Sg: Woohyun ah..

Wh: What now?

Sg: Just go fall in love with dongwoo.. Don't make this thing complicated, see he is really your style, he is a romantic type of a guy, he is very kind, taking care of others very well

Wh: The hell...

Dw: I'm really are a Nice guy.. But I'm not Gay!!

Sg: Shut up.. This is better.. Just go gay you two!! Ahh you ruin it nam woohyun!!

Wh: That's why I'm saying that, I will never tell them!

Sg: You think you can do that??

Wh: Probably.

Dw: don't probably me.. You Must never tell them!

Sg: We aren't trying to push you here.. I know it's hard, if you have reach your limits, you have dongwoo beside you

Dw: Hyung, seriously.. You better work at matchmaking company

Wh: I can do it.. I must do it

Sg: So.. We will make this as a secret, I will Never ever tell anyone,I promise

Dw: Me too.. I promise

Wh: Thank you hyung

Sg: But I still can't believe it

Dw: Actually when??

Wh: I don't know, maybe since the first time I meet her.. But I just realize it now

Dw: Like and Love is so different Woohyun..

Wh: I know it, you know when the time she is smiling and suddenly you feel warm in your heart without any reason?

Sg: We know it very well.. You want to keep see that smile

Dw: Taking care of her, protect that smile..

Sg: BUT She is.. I can't, I can't hate you because you like yuri, And I can't tell myungsoo either..

Dw: There is no one wrong at this point..

Wh: That's why..

Sg: You know right we are in no position to support your love story..

Wh: I know it very well..

Dw: then we will be going now..

Sg: Tell us if you need something..

Dw: To relieving your stress..

Wh: Thank you hyung

I should never let my own feeling take control of myself.. Conceal don't feel.. Don't Let them Know~~~

Yr: Woohyun Oppa...

Wh: Whoa.. What??

Yr: Is sunggyu and dongwoo oppa already go back home??

Wh: Oh yes they are

She didn't hear us did she??

Yr: Oh okay then.. I'm going to my university for awhile, I need to submit my finals, so can you peel the onions for dinner??

Wh: Oh sure go ahead.. I will peel it with myungsoo

Yr: Okay then.. Thank you very much

No.. Don't that's just an unmeaning smile
Yes that'a it

Wh: Myungsoo.. Myungsoo... Wake up!

Ms: What??

Wh: it's 5pm and you still sleeping??

Ms: Sorry hyung.. What is it??

Wh: Let's peel some onions for dinner

Ms: Okay.. Where is the onions??

Wh: Hey before that.. Actually you know how to peel onions?

Ms: No..

Wh: Me too..

Ms: But peeling is.. To remove the skin right??

Wh: Yes.. If it's only removing the skin we can do it..

Ms: Okay let's go..

Wh: Oh she already prepare the onions.. Let's peel it

Ms: Yepp.. But hyung.. Which one is the skin?

Wh: The brown one?? Wait but usually aren't the onions look small??

Ms: But Why is it so big??

Wh: Maybe we should peel it until it look smaller..

Ms: Rightt... You are so smart hyung..


Actually I'm not so sure of it.. I never peel an onions!!

Sunggyu POV

Sg: Actually dongwoo..

Dw: Yea?

Sg: Do you think this is a great idea??

Dw: Well.. Maybe

Sg: If you are in woohyun positions.. What will you do??

Dw: It's hard.. Really hard

Sg: I think so too.. But I think, I will end up hiding like him

Dw: But I hope.. He will okay

Sg: I hope so..

Dw: Since, he is living with them too

Sg: Actually when will we can go back to our dorm and start working again..

Dw: Actually I ask CEO about that

Sg: And??

Dw: He said that.. "Soon"

Sg: You think he prepare something??

Dw: you know him..

Sg: In the end, we must pretend nothing happen and have a comeback..

Dw: You don't think he will..

Sg: Yes, that was what I'm thinking too..

Dw: Probably he will never let us meet Anri or Yuri again..

To be continued ㅋㅋ

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