Ch.16 Between Me and You

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I just finish my work ^^

Woohyun POV

Wh: OMG what will happen if we leave them 2 days like this..

Sg: I hope they will just be honest with each other

Hy: You don't understand, You don't love me~

Dw: I hope it will work out..

Ar: Me too.. Yuri I hope you will get nice memory for 2 days.. I will go get some snack, wait here

Wh: Okay thank you anri ssi

Sy: So.. Myungsoo like that Yuri girl??

Dw: How many time should we tell you

Sj: Sungyeol Hyung brain is like a snail, so don't blame him

Sy: Yes don't blame me.. What?? You said my brain what??

Sj: it's a fact..

Sy: Okay.. I just remember I said Elementary school as small school

Hy: it's okay.. I call it Elephantery..

Wh: Focus here.. Focus

Sg: so.. We sleep in garage for 2 days

Dw: it's because of this 4 man

Sy: us?

Sj: me?

Hy: You call me to go here..

Wh: You give me this plan.. So i follow it

Dw: Oh right..

Sg: So.. Actually

Dw: yea?

Sg: I need to tell you something.. This is Big secret

Wh: what is it?

Ar: Here is the snack~

Sg: Oh yeah thank you!!

Wh: what is it hyung??

Sg: Oh sorry I'm hungry

Ar: what? What??

Sg: So.. Actually

Hy: spit it out already

Sg: I forget that I use myungsoo underwear right now

Wh: Don't worry I use his sock too

Dw: I borrow his shaver and forget to return it

Sy: His laptop still in my bag

Sj: I eat his Kimchi oftenly

Hy: His medicine is with me

Sg: Medicine??!!!

Wh: wha? You crazy???!!

Hy: Oh right!! What should I do

Dw: without his medicine he will!!!

Sj: You should give it back if not

Ar: Huh? Why??

Sg: the truth is.. Myungsoo must drink this medicine when he is nervous.. If not

Myungsoo POV

Calm down kim Myungsoo you can handle this
But first..
You need to drink your medicine

Ms: wha..

Yr: what's wrong??

Ms: did you see tiny bottle that I always bring it everywhere?

Yr: Oh the one with blue ribbon??

Ms: yea.. You know where is it???

Yr: I didn't see it.. You remember where is the last time you see it??

Ms: I still bring it when we go to Anri house.. After that

Yr: Oh..

Ms: Oh..

Yr: You give it to Hoya!!

Ms: Oh yeah I give it to Hoya, What should I do!! I need it now!!

Yr: Is that important?? What is in that bottle?? Medicine?

Ms: Yeah..

Yr: You sick??!!!

Ms: No.. It's just

Yr: Should we call ambulance and Fireman??

Ms: Huh? What? no.. What? fireman??

Yr: yeah to destroy my door

Ms: No.. It's just some medicine that I need when go up to stage..

Yr: Oh.. When you nervous??

Ms: Yes..

Yr: But why you need it now??

Ms: ah.. Well

Yr: You..? Nerv..

Ms: Nooo.. That's not it.. I'm just.. Well.. Actually

Yr: ???

Ms: Oh my..

Yr: You okay

My eyes get so blurry
No.. This can't be..

Yr: Myungsoo oppa??? Hey.. You okay???? Can you hear me..? Hey what's wrong.. Oh my God what should I do

Sunggyu POV

Sg: Listen.. When myungsoo get really nervous, and he can't drink this medicine.. He will lost his conciousness, and..

Ar: and????

Sg: He will do something you couldn't imagine..

Ar: example??

Sg: He hug me once... In stage

Sy: He say I'm his dog, and give me some dog food.. That's When we are going home after high five session

Hy: He kiss Sungjong once

Sj: Yes he is..

Ar: What kiss??!!! You mean in?

Sj: Yes lips.. He said that I'm pretty

Ar: is he drunk???

Hy: Something like that.. But he oftenly strip

Ar: STRIP??!!! Oh my God Yuriii!!!

Hy: ahh.. Don't worry.. He usually didn't nervous at time like this.. Wait.. He like Yuri

Wh: And I said you need to tell her your feelling

Sg: Eiii.. Don't worry.. It can't make him nervous right??

Dw: Hmm.. Well.. It's nothing to be neevous about.. I bet he will not nervous..

Wh: You are right.. Hahahahhaa

Ar: Really? It's a relief.. Hahahahahhahaa


Wh: But I think he will..

Sg: Me too

Dw: Suddenly I get some bad feeling

Sy: what if he...

Sj: Please not kiss please... It's horrible

Hy: I can't imagine it..

To be continuedㅋㅋ

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