Ch.19 Credens Justitiam

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Hi guys I'm planning to ask my parents about Infinite Effect in wednesday if my presentations go well, If not maybe next wednesday haha
Wis me luck :)

Let's go

Myungsoo POV

Oh I remember.. I remember that I say I like Yuri
But I don't remember anything after that
What is it??
If I just say that I like Yuri
She will not so afraid of me like this right??
What is it
Kim Myungsoo you need to recall what happen!!

Ms: Ehm.. Did I do something weird to you??

Yr: You... Really didn't remember anything???

Ms: Well.. I remember that I said that I like you but I don't remember what happen after that

Yr: THAT's the important part..

Ms: I'm sorry.. But this is all happen because of me..

Hy: No.. It's because of me

Wh: No.. Me

Dw: Me..

Ar: No me.. I make that plan

Sg: Not me

Sy: Not me too

Sj: I'm neutral

Wh: Seriously...

Dw: You sure Sunggyu hyung? And Sungyeol??

Sy: Hmm well.. A little

Sg: Yeah not that much..

Wh: Really??

Sg: Well maybe, Not that little but still little

Wh: Whatever..

Ms: So actually what happen

Wh: Let me tell you what happened from my point

Woohyun Flashback

Wh: You guys get the ice cream???

Dw: Yeah let's go!

Wh: Okey good let's go..

Hy: Pardon.. Where are we going??

Wh: To get the medicine!!!

Hy: They sell it here...

Wh: Oh really????!!

Sg: Whoaa that's true... Convenience store is really convenience

Sj: Lame joke..

Sg: Shut up..

Wh: Okey then let's buy it here

Dw: whoaa2 wait there are 2 types medicine.. Which one is the right one?

Wh: Isn't Myungsoo usually buy the blue one?? Even the ribbon in his bottle is blue..

Sg: The White one...

Wh: Blue..

Sg: I'm a leader.. And I know it must be white one

Wh: Blue hyung..

Sg: White!

Wh: Blueeeeeee.....

Sg: Whiteeeeeee......

Hy: I'm the one who drop it so..

Wh: So you must be remember it.. What color???

Hy: I think it's both.. White and blue

Dw: Just buy those 2..!

Sy: Nice idea.. The true leader is dongwoo hyung..

Sj: Dongwoo hyung Dongwoo leader!!!

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