Ch.22. Limits

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I'm Back~
I try to read some comments and reply a few of it (usually I'm afraid to read it because I think that there will be bad comment)
Thank you for commenting in here I appreciate everyone that always comment in my story (positive comments) ^^
Big thanks~ hehe

Woohyun POV

Where is my phone, the last time I use it is before..

Wh: Convenience store!!

Ms: You sure hyung??

Wh: I call you before we arrived at convenience store!!

Hy: let's go there.. Hurry!!

Sg: What's wrong with you sungyeol?? You feel sick?? You look so pale..

Sy: Ahh really?? No I'm okay..

Wh: If you don't feel well rest here.. I will go with sunggyu hyung, Dongwoo hyung and hoya

Sg: Yea just rest..

Sy: Well okay..

Yr: I will bring some medicine for you

Sy: Thank you Yuri ssi

Wh: So we will go search my phone.. Rest well lee sungyeol

Sy: yea

I have this uneasy feeling.. Where is it

Sg: Nothing here..

Dw: I ask the manager in here to show the cctv, You didn't drop your phone here, look.. There is still in your pocket

Wh: You are right that means.. After we leave here

Sg: Let's go back, maybe it drop somewhere when we run..

Hy: maybe it's near this tree here... Oh!

Wh: what??

Hy: HEY I FOUND IT!! This is your phone right??

Wh: Oh yess..

Dw: Don't you think this is weird..?

Wh: You think so too??

Dw: Yes..

Hy: you didn't go near this tree right??

Wh: No.. I run back at my fast speed in this road.. Why I must go to this tree??

Dw: and your phone.. If you drop it.. It should have so many scratch

Wh: But it's not..

Sg: You think someone do this??

Dw: Maybe.. But we shouldn't try to guess right now.. Because we don't know what that someone want from woohyun phone

Wh: I will check my phone.. If there is something wrong with it

Sg: I think you should sell it and buy a new phone..

Wh: I don't have money hyung..

Sg: Are you really that poor??!!

Wh: No.. But I want to buy new laptop..

Sg: Geez.. Your phone is important if there is some detected us chip

Dw: You mean like tracking hardware??

Sg: Yeah.. Whatever that name it is

Hy: Woohyun.. Eventhough sunggyu hyung can't explain it.. But somehow I think he is right

Wh: Wait I have a better idea..

Sg: what is it??

Myungsoo POV

Yr: Is sungyeol oppa okay??

Ms: Yea.. He is okay.. He is sleeping now and sungjong is keep an eye for him

Yr: That's a relief then..

Ms: Haha..

Yr: Why are you laughing??

Ms: No.. I just remember about what happen when I was unconcious..

Yr: That's not funny..

Ms: But you are so cute when you panic..

Yr: I near kill you mister..

Ms: Oppa..

Yr: No I think mister is good

Ms: what?? But I want oppa..

Yr: Nope.. Mister for now

Ms: for now?? That means in future is husband or hubby?? Okay then..

Yr: I didn't say that!!!

Oh My god she is so cute.. What should I do..

Ms: Cuties.. Don't show face like that to other man.. Okay?

Yr: But my face is always like this

Ms: That's not what I mean.. So you telling me that you know that yourself is cute???

Yr: Yes I am cute....

Ms: Hahaha since when you become this brave..??

Yr: I decide to become myself so you won't like me..

Ms: Show it to me all.. I bet I will like it too

Yuri POV

Maybe my heart will explode if this happen everyday..
No.. My heart already want to explode..
can't he be more sweet than this??
I want to know why.. Why he like me so much.. I can't even imagine that he like me

Ms: So you are going to stand here and spacing all day long??

Yr: No!!

Ms: Haha let's go get something to eat

He pat my head
Why is he so Sweet and Cool at the same time..

Yr: You think woohyun oppa and the other take a long time?? They haven't comeback home yet.. It has been 2hrs

Ms: hmm.. That's true.. Is woohyun hyung phone really missing??

Yr: I hope they are okay..

Ms: Me too..

Where are they...

Ms: Oh sungjong.. What's wrong??

Sj: I'm hungry too..

Yr: Oh here.. Eat with us oppa..

Sj: Oh I can??

Yr: Sure..

Oh.. My phone is ringing?

Hmm? A text message?? From myungsoo?? Why??

"Therr is something wrong with Sungjong.."

What?? What is it??

To be continued ㅋㅋㅋ

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